

This class represents one of two things:

Arguments in a call to a service

Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.

As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint object:

$service_obj->Method(Att1 => { AssociatedTargetNetworks => $value, ..., VpnProtocol => $value  });

Results returned from an API call

Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint object:

$result = $service_obj->Method(...);


This class has no description


AssociatedTargetNetworks => ArrayRef[Paws::EC2::AssociatedTargetNetwork]

Information about the associated target networks. A target network is a subnet in a VPC.

AuthenticationOptions => ArrayRef[Paws::EC2::ClientVpnAuthentication]

Information about the authentication method used by the Client VPN endpoint.

ClientCidrBlock => Str

The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, from which client IP addresses are assigned.

ClientConnectOptions => Paws::EC2::ClientConnectResponseOptions

The options for managing connection authorization for new client connections.

ClientVpnEndpointId => Str

The ID of the Client VPN endpoint.

ConnectionLogOptions => Paws::EC2::ConnectionLogResponseOptions

Information about the client connection logging options for the Client VPN endpoint.

CreationTime => Str

The date and time the Client VPN endpoint was created.

DeletionTime => Str

The date and time the Client VPN endpoint was deleted, if applicable.

Description => Str

A brief description of the endpoint.

DnsName => Str

The DNS name to be used by clients when connecting to the Client VPN endpoint.

DnsServers => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

Information about the DNS servers to be used for DNS resolution.

SecurityGroupIds => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

The IDs of the security groups for the target network.

SelfServicePortalUrl => Str

The URL of the self-service portal.

ServerCertificateArn => Str

The ARN of the server certificate.

SplitTunnel => Bool

Indicates whether split-tunnel is enabled in the AWS Client VPN endpoint.

For information about split-tunnel VPN endpoints, see Split-Tunnel AWS Client VPN Endpoint ( in the AWS Client VPN Administrator Guide.

Status => Paws::EC2::ClientVpnEndpointStatus

The current state of the Client VPN endpoint.

Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::EC2::Tag]

Any tags assigned to the Client VPN endpoint.

TransportProtocol => Str

The transport protocol used by the Client VPN endpoint.

VpcId => Str

The ID of the VPC.

VpnPort => Int

The port number for the Client VPN endpoint.

VpnProtocol => Str

The protocol used by the VPN session.


This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::EC2


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