The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.




AllocationId => Str

[EC2-VPC] The ID that Amazon Web Services assigns to represent the allocation of the Elastic IP address for use with instances in a VPC.

CarrierIp => Str

The carrier IP address. This option is only available for network interfaces which reside in a subnet in a Wavelength Zone (for example an EC2 instance).

CustomerOwnedIp => Str

The customer-owned IP address.

CustomerOwnedIpv4Pool => Str

The ID of the customer-owned address pool.

Domain => Str

Indicates whether the Elastic IP address is for use with instances in a VPC (vpc) or instances in EC2-Classic (standard).

Valid values are: "vpc", "standard" =head2 NetworkBorderGroup => Str

The set of Availability Zones, Local Zones, or Wavelength Zones from which AWS advertises IP addresses.

PublicIp => Str

The Elastic IP address.

PublicIpv4Pool => Str

The ID of an address pool.

_request_id => Str