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Paws::DynamoDB::TransactWriteItems - Arguments for method TransactWriteItems on Paws::DynamoDB


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method TransactWriteItems on the Amazon DynamoDB service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method TransactWriteItems.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to TransactWriteItems.


    my $dynamodb = Paws->service('DynamoDB');
    my $TransactWriteItemsOutput = $dynamodb->TransactWriteItems(
      TransactItems => [
          ConditionCheck => {
            ConditionExpression => 'MyConditionExpression',
            Key                 => {
              'MyAttributeName' => {
                B    => 'BlobBinaryAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                BOOL => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                BS   => [
                  'BlobBinaryAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                L => [ <AttributeValue>, ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                M => {
                  'MyAttributeName' => <AttributeValue>,    # key: max: 65535
                },    # OPTIONAL
                N  => 'MyNumberAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                NS => [
                  'MyNumberAttributeValue', ...    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                NULL => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                S    => 'MyStringAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                SS   => [
                  'MyStringAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # key: max: 65535
            TableName                => 'MyTableName',    # min: 3, max: 255
            ExpressionAttributeNames => {
              'MyExpressionAttributeNameVariable' =>
                'MyAttributeName',                        # , value: max: 65535
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ExpressionAttributeValues => {
              'MyExpressionAttributeValueVariable' => {
                B    => 'BlobBinaryAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                BOOL => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                BS   => [
                  'BlobBinaryAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                L => [ <AttributeValue>, ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                M => {
                  'MyAttributeName' => <AttributeValue>,    # key: max: 65535
                },    # OPTIONAL
                N  => 'MyNumberAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                NS => [
                  'MyNumberAttributeValue', ...    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                NULL => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                S    => 'MyStringAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                SS   => [
                  'MyStringAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure =>
              'ALL_OLD',    # values: ALL_OLD, NONE; OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Delete => {
            Key => {
              'MyAttributeName' => {
                B    => 'BlobBinaryAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                BOOL => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                BS   => [
                  'BlobBinaryAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                L => [ <AttributeValue>, ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                M => {
                  'MyAttributeName' => <AttributeValue>,    # key: max: 65535
                },    # OPTIONAL
                N  => 'MyNumberAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                NS => [
                  'MyNumberAttributeValue', ...    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                NULL => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                S    => 'MyStringAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                SS   => [
                  'MyStringAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # key: max: 65535
            TableName           => 'MyTableName',             # min: 3, max: 255
            ConditionExpression => 'MyConditionExpression',
            ExpressionAttributeNames => {
              'MyExpressionAttributeNameVariable' =>
                'MyAttributeName',    # , value: max: 65535
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ExpressionAttributeValues => {
              'MyExpressionAttributeValueVariable' => {
                B    => 'BlobBinaryAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                BOOL => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                BS   => [
                  'BlobBinaryAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                L => [ <AttributeValue>, ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                M => {
                  'MyAttributeName' => <AttributeValue>,    # key: max: 65535
                },    # OPTIONAL
                N  => 'MyNumberAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                NS => [
                  'MyNumberAttributeValue', ...    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                NULL => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                S    => 'MyStringAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                SS   => [
                  'MyStringAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure =>
              'ALL_OLD',    # values: ALL_OLD, NONE; OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Put => {
            Item => {
              'MyAttributeName' => {
                B    => 'BlobBinaryAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                BOOL => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                BS   => [
                  'BlobBinaryAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                L => [ <AttributeValue>, ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                M => {
                  'MyAttributeName' => <AttributeValue>,    # key: max: 65535
                },    # OPTIONAL
                N  => 'MyNumberAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                NS => [
                  'MyNumberAttributeValue', ...    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                NULL => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                S    => 'MyStringAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                SS   => [
                  'MyStringAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # key: max: 65535
            TableName           => 'MyTableName',             # min: 3, max: 255
            ConditionExpression => 'MyConditionExpression',
            ExpressionAttributeNames => {
              'MyExpressionAttributeNameVariable' =>
                'MyAttributeName',    # , value: max: 65535
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ExpressionAttributeValues => {
              'MyExpressionAttributeValueVariable' => {
                B    => 'BlobBinaryAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                BOOL => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                BS   => [
                  'BlobBinaryAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                L => [ <AttributeValue>, ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                M => {
                  'MyAttributeName' => <AttributeValue>,    # key: max: 65535
                },    # OPTIONAL
                N  => 'MyNumberAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                NS => [
                  'MyNumberAttributeValue', ...    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                NULL => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                S    => 'MyStringAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                SS   => [
                  'MyStringAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure =>
              'ALL_OLD',    # values: ALL_OLD, NONE; OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Update => {
            Key => {
              'MyAttributeName' => {
                B    => 'BlobBinaryAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                BOOL => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                BS   => [
                  'BlobBinaryAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                L => [ <AttributeValue>, ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                M => {
                  'MyAttributeName' => <AttributeValue>,    # key: max: 65535
                },    # OPTIONAL
                N  => 'MyNumberAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                NS => [
                  'MyNumberAttributeValue', ...    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                NULL => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                S    => 'MyStringAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                SS   => [
                  'MyStringAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # key: max: 65535
            TableName           => 'MyTableName',             # min: 3, max: 255
            UpdateExpression    => 'MyUpdateExpression',
            ConditionExpression => 'MyConditionExpression',
            ExpressionAttributeNames => {
              'MyExpressionAttributeNameVariable' =>
                'MyAttributeName',    # , value: max: 65535
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ExpressionAttributeValues => {
              'MyExpressionAttributeValueVariable' => {
                B    => 'BlobBinaryAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                BOOL => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                BS   => [
                  'BlobBinaryAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                L => [ <AttributeValue>, ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                M => {
                  'MyAttributeName' => <AttributeValue>,    # key: max: 65535
                },    # OPTIONAL
                N  => 'MyNumberAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                NS => [
                  'MyNumberAttributeValue', ...    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                NULL => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                S    => 'MyStringAttributeValue',    # OPTIONAL
                SS   => [
                  'MyStringAttributeValue', ...      # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure =>
              'ALL_OLD',    # values: ALL_OLD, NONE; OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
      ClientRequestToken          => 'MyClientRequestToken',    # OPTIONAL
      ReturnConsumedCapacity      => 'INDEXES',                 # OPTIONAL
      ReturnItemCollectionMetrics => 'SIZE',                    # OPTIONAL

    # Results:
    my $ConsumedCapacity = $TransactWriteItemsOutput->ConsumedCapacity;
    my $ItemCollectionMetrics =

    # Returns a L<Paws::DynamoDB::TransactWriteItemsOutput> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


ClientRequestToken => Str

Providing a ClientRequestToken makes the call to TransactWriteItems idempotent, meaning that multiple identical calls have the same effect as one single call.

Although multiple identical calls using the same client request token produce the same result on the server (no side effects), the responses to the calls might not be the same. If the ReturnConsumedCapacity> parameter is set, then the initial TransactWriteItems call returns the amount of write capacity units consumed in making the changes. Subsequent TransactWriteItems calls with the same client token return the number of read capacity units consumed in reading the item.

A client request token is valid for 10 minutes after the first request that uses it is completed. After 10 minutes, any request with the same client token is treated as a new request. Do not resubmit the same request with the same client token for more than 10 minutes, or the result might not be idempotent.

If you submit a request with the same client token but a change in other parameters within the 10-minute idempotency window, DynamoDB returns an IdempotentParameterMismatch exception.

ReturnConsumedCapacity => Str

Valid values are: "INDEXES", "TOTAL", "NONE"

ReturnItemCollectionMetrics => Str

Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. If set to SIZE, the response includes statistics about item collections (if any), that were modified during the operation and are returned in the response. If set to NONE (the default), no statistics are returned.

Valid values are: "SIZE", "NONE"

REQUIRED TransactItems => ArrayRef[Paws::DynamoDB::TransactWriteItem]

An ordered array of up to 25 TransactWriteItem objects, each of which contains a ConditionCheck, Put, Update, or Delete object. These can operate on items in different tables, but the tables must reside in the same AWS account and Region, and no two of them can operate on the same item.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method TransactWriteItems in Paws::DynamoDB


The source code is located here:

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