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Parse::JCONF - Parse JCONF (JSON optimized for configs)


use strict;
use Parse::JCONF;

my $raw_cfg = do { local $/; <DATA> };
my $parser = Parse::JCONF->new(autodie => 1);

$cfg = $parser->parse($raw_cfg);

$cfg->{modules}{Mo}[1]; # 0.08
$cfg->{enabled}; # Parse::JCONF::Boolean::TRUE or "1" in string context
$cfg->{enabled} == Parse::JCONF::Boolean::TRUE; # yes
$cfg->{enabled} == 1; # no
if ($cfg->{enabled}) { 1 }; # yes
$cfg->{data}[0]; # Test data
$cfg->{query}; # SELECT * from pkg
               # LEFT JOIN ver ON
               # WHERE IN ("Moose", "Mouse", "Moo", "Mo")
modules = {
    Moose: 1,
    Mouse: 0.91,
    Moo: 0.05, # some comment here about version
    Mo: [0.01, 0.08],

enabled = true
data = ["Test data", "Production data"] # some comment about data

query = "SELECT * from pkg
         LEFT JOIN ver ON
         WHERE IN (\"Moose\", \"Mouse\", \"Moo\", \"Mo\")"


JSON is good, but not very handy for configuration files. JCONF intended to fix this.

It has several differences with JSON format:

bareword - the word which matches /^\w+$/
some_word   # valid
some word   # invalid
"some_word" # invalid
bareword may be used only as object key or root key
object key may be bareword or string
{test: 1}   # valid
{"test": 1} # valid
JCONF root always consists of 0 or more trines: root key (bareword), equals sign (=), any valid JCONF value (number/string/true/false/null/object/array)
value1 = [1,2] # root trine: root key (bareword), equals sign (=), any valid JCONF value
values in the object/array or root trines may be devided with comma "," (like in JSON) or with new line (or even several)
val = [1,2,3,4] # with comma

val = [         # with new line

val = {         # several newlines are ok
    a: 1
    b: 2

val = {        # comma and newlines are ok
    a: 1,
    b: 2

val = {       # invalid, several commas is not ok
    a: 1,,b:2
comma separator allowed after last element
[1,2,3,4,] # ok
{a:1,b:2,} # ok
new lines, carriage return, tabs are valid symbols in the string
str = "This is valid multiline
JCONF string"
# - is start of the comment, all from this symbol to the end of line will be interpreted as comment
obj = {
    bool: false # this is comment



This is parser object constructor. Available parameters are:


Throw exception on any error if true, default is false (in this case parser methods will return undef on error and error may be found with "last_error" method)


Store key/value pairs in the hash which keeps order if true, default is false. This is useful when you need to store your configuration back to the file (for example with JCONF::Writer) and want to save same order as it was before. You must have $Parse::JCONF::HashClass installed which default value is Tie::IxHash.


Parses string provided as parameter. Expected string encoding is utf8. On success returns reference to hash. On fail returns undef/throws exception (according to autodie option in the constructor). Exception will be of type Parse::JCONF::Error::Parser.


Parses content of the file which path provided as parameter. Expected file content encoding is utf8. On success returns reference to hash. On fail returns undef/throws exception (according to autodie option in the constructor). Exception will be of type Parse::JCONF::Error::IO or Parse::JCONF::Error::Parser.


Returns error occured for last parse() or parse_file() call. Error will be one of Parse::JCONF::Error subclass or undef (if there was no error).


Parse::JCONF::Error, Parse::JCONF::Boolean, JCONF::Writer


Copyright Oleg G <>.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.