Parallel::Subs - Simple way to run subs in parallel and process their return value in perl
version 0.002
Parallel::Subs is a simple object interface used to launch test in parallel. It uses Parallel::ForkManager to launch subs in parallel and get the results.
NAME Parallel::Subs - simple object interface to launch subs in parallel and process their return values.
You could also use the result returned by the function run in custom child process from the main process by providing a second optional sub to process the results
The basics
use Parallel::Subs;
my $p = Parallel::Subs->new();
# or Parallel::Subs->new( max_process => N )
# or Parallel::Subs->new( max_process_per_cpu => P )
# or Parallel::Subs->new( max_memory => M );
# add a first sub which will be launched by its own kid
sub { # will be launched in parallel
# any code that take time to execute can go there
print "Hello from kid $$\n";
# add a second sub
sub { print "Hello from kid $$\n" }
$p->add( \&do_something );
# Trigger all the subs to run in parallel using a limited number of process
print qq[This is done.\n];
Chaining the subs
You can also chain the 'add', or even the 'wait_for_all', which can make your code easier to read.
use Parallel::Subs;
my $p = Parallel::Subs->new()
->add( sub{ print "Hello from kid $$\n"; sleep 5; } )
->add( sub{ print "Hello from kid $$\n"; sleep 4; } )
->add( sub{ print "Hello from kid $$\n"; sleep 3; } )
->add( sub{ print "Hello from kid $$\n"; sleep 2; } )
->add( sub{ print "Hello from kid $$\n"; sleep 1; } )
->add( sub{ print "Hello from kid $$\n" } )
# or ->wait_for_all_optimized(); # beta - group jobs and run one single fork per/cpu
print qq[This is done.\n];
Run subs in parallel and use their return values
use Parallel::Subs;
my $sum;
sub work_to_do {
my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
return sub {
note "Running in parallel from process $$";
# need some time to execute...
# return 42;
# return { value => 42 };
# return [ 1..9 ];
return $a * $b;
sub read_result {
my $result = shift;
$sum += $result;
my $p = Parallel::Subs->new();
sub {
my $time = int( rand(2) );
return { number => 1, time => $time };
sub {
# run from the main process once the kid process has finished its work
# to access return values from previous sub
my $result = shift;
$sum += $result->{number};
)->add( work_to_do( 1, 2 ), \&read_result )
->add( work_to_do( 3, 4 ), \&read_result )
->add( work_to_do( 5, 6 ), \&read_result )
->add( work_to_do( 7, 8 ), \&read_result )
->add( work_to_do( 9, 10 ), \&read_result );
Create a new Parallel::Subs object.
By default it will use the number of cores you have as a maximum limit of parallelized job, but you can control this value with two options :
- max_process : set the maximum process to this value
- max_process_per_cpu : set the maximum process per cpu, this value will be multiplied by the number of cpu ( core ) avaiable on your server
- max_memory : in MB per job. Will use the minimum between #cpu and total memory available / max_memory
my $p = Parallel::Subs->new()
or Parallel::Subs->new( max_process => N )
or Parallel::Subs->new( max_process_per_cpu => P )
or Parallel::Subs->new( max_memory => M );
$p->add($code, [$callback])
You can add some sub to be run in parallel.
$p->add( sub { 1 } );
$p->add( sub { return { 1..6 } }, sub { my $result = shift; ... } );
return the total number of jobs
similar to wait_for_all but the goal is to reduce the number of fork
by grouping tasks together to be run by the same process
For now this does not support callback. This is still in beta testing.
will run and wait for all jobs added you do not need to use this method except if you prefer to add jobs yourself and manipulate the results
no process will be executed until you call this function
which will then trigger parallel jobs and wait for all of them to finish
get an array of results, in the same order of jobs
Nicolas R <>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Nicolas R.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.