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POE::Component::PluginManager - Make your POE programs plugin capable, really easy!


use POE::Component::PluginManager;
  Alias => 'pluginmanager',   # The alias, defaults to "pluginmanager"
  Debug => 0,                 # prints Debug statements; usefull for debugging plugins
POE::Kernel->post( 'pluginmanager', 'register' );
See below for a listing of all signals you can send and receive.


POE::Component::PluginManager makes it really easy to enhance virtually any POE application with powerfull, yet easy-to-create plugins. POE::Component::PluginManager tries to make writing plugins simple (anyone who has a good understanding about POE should be able to write plugins without further complications), leaving the details of the plugin specifications to the designer of the Application.


There are a lot of different ideas and implementations out there, about what plugins are and how they have to work. So i'll give you a short overview how PoCo::PluginManagers plugins work, and what you can do with them.

Plugins are implemented as POE::Sessions, that are dynamically loaded from a module. The procedure is: a module is loaded with require during runtime, and new() is executed (inside an eval block). The plugin spawns a new POE::Session in new(), the PluginManager receives a _child signal, and will automatically register that new session as a running plugin.

This Concept of plugins does put very little restrictions on what Plugins can do. This also means, that PluginManager provides no means of plugin coordination, safe code execution, or the like. If you want something like that, you will either have to implement it yourself, or use a different plugin system. Also, PluginManager doesn't provide predefined hooks or anything a plugin will receive, except for the shutdown signal.


A plugin can basically do inside an application whatever it wants, so when you are running a plugin, you'll have to trust the plugin. That is part of my idea of what plugins are. If a plugin wants to, it can stop the entire application by throwing a die() without catching it in sig_DIE. As perl doesn't enforce any kind of private/public variables, a plugin can theoretically break into any sessions HEAP and mess around. However, this is what i consider bad practice. There is a mechanism which allows to give the plugin initial data to operate on, and a plugin should only operate on that data, and not simply break into any sessions HEAP, unless absolutely necessary. Ideally, an application designed to be pluggable should offer a place for plugins to work and live, for example a place in the user-interface that plugins can use to add new widgets, or something like that. See also "Plugin Data sharing"


Since the plugins code is executed native, there should be no performance hit on code inside a plugin, putting the loading/unloading overhead aside. Plugin loading and unloading shouldn't consume a lot of CPU time, and there is not much memory overhead by loading a lot of plugins.

Also, there is one important thing to consider: A plugin should always do the least possible work. In this example, we have an IRC bot, which has 100 plugins, providing 5 commands each, that hooked into PoCo::IRCs irc_public signal, waiting for their command to occur:

inside some_plugin:

if ( $what =~ /^!foo$/ ) {
    $_[KERNEL]->post( 'irc' => 'privmsg' => $channel => "answer to !foo" );
if ( $what =~ /^!bar$/ ) {
    $_[KERNEL]->post( 'net' => 'privmsg' => $channel => "answer to !bar" );
if ( $what =~ /^!baz$/ ) {
    $_[KERNEL]->post( 'net' => 'privmsg' => $channel => "answer to !baz" );

Here, for every public message, every plugin has to apply 5 regexpes on the message, to determine if the command is the one we are waiting for. Considering, we have 100 plugins loaded, this might cause a significant delay. Here a much better version, that follows the "do as little as possible"-rule:

if(index($what, "!") == 0){
    if ( $what =~ /^!foo$/ ) {
        $_[KERNEL]->post( 'irc' => 'privmsg' => $channel => "answer to !foo" );
    elsif( $what =~ /^!bar$/ ){
        $_[KERNEL]->post( 'irc' => 'privmsg' => $channel => "answer to !bar" );


To make data sharing with plugins a bit easier, the "load" signal provides an extra field for data that will be passed on unmodified to the plugin. For example, if you want to allow the plugin to operate on your sessions HEAP, you can pass a reference to your heap here, or any subset of it, if you want to.


Enough of the blah blah blah, here a listing of all methods you can sent or receive from the pluginmanagers session:


    Loads the class CLASSNAME, and passes PLUGINDATA to the new() method.

unload CLASSNAME(string), MODE(string), REASON(string)
    sends a shutdown signal to the plugin, unloads the class.
    MODE can be: "immediate", "smart" or "lazy", depending
    on how fast you want to get rid of the plugin. See the
    plugin API section for details.
    REASON can be any string you like, if at all.
shutdown MODE(string)
    Sends a shutdown signal to all plugins, and waits for all
    plugins to unload. When finished, the pluginmanager is shut
    down. MODE can be "immediate", "smart" or "lazy".
    Will send back a plugin_table event with a listing of all
    currently loaded plugins.
register [SESSION]
    Registers SESSION to the pluginmanager to receive events.
    if SESSION is not specified, assumes the sending session
    as target. register will increase the refcount for your
    receiving session, so that your session will not go away
    until it unregisters.

unregister [SESSION]
    Unregisters SESSION. If SESSION is not specified, assumes
    the sending session as target. Unregister will decrease the
    refcount of your session.
    uses Data::Dumper to print plugin and reverse lookup table
    to STDOUT.


plugin_compile_failed PLUGIN_NAME(str) ERROR(str)
    Compilling of a plugin failed. ERROR will contain the error
    string. ($@)
plugin_init_failed PLUGIN_NAME(str) ERROR(str)
    Initialisizing a plugin (calling new()) failed. ERROR will
    contain the error string. ($@)

plugin_invalid_values PLUGIN_NAME(str)
    A plugin did not return the correct set of values in _start.
    The Plugin API section in this documentation describes how to
    correctly set those values.

plugin_started PLUGIN_NAME(str)
    A plugin was successfully loaded and started.
plugin_error PLUGIN_NAME(str) ERROR_HASHREF(hashref)
    A plugin encountered an error. ERROR_HASHREF will be the exception
    hash provided by POE (see POE::Kernels exception handling for
plugin_warning PLUGIN_NAME(str) WARN_STRING(str)
    A plugin emitted a warning. WARN_STRING will be the warning.
plugin_unloaded PLUGIN_NAME(str) QUIT_MESSAGE(string)
    A plugin unloaded. QUIT_MESSAGE will contain a string that holds the
    quit message of the plugin (might for example be "quit on user request"
    or "quit due to fatal exception")
plugin_waiting PLUGIN_COUNT(int)
    You will receive this signal, when you instructed the pluginmanager to
    shut down, but there are plugins pending that have to be shut down before
    the plugin manager can shut down. plugin_waiting will be emitted every time
    the number of pending plugins changes, until its 0.

plugin_table PLUGIN_LIST(hashref)
    You will receive this when you requested a plugin list with show_plugin_table.
    This table will hold a list of all loaded plugins, and their meta-information
    as for example license, author, description and so on. Youll best have a look
    at the structure with Data::Dumper.

    You will receive this when the plugin manager shuts down.
    The pluginmanager will not shut down until all plugins are unloaded.


Here an example of what a plugin typically should look like. You will find many more examples in examples/. The example is well documented and should be self-explanating. There is one thing to notice, however: If you write a plugin that spawns more than one session, do not spawn them in the new() constructor. The pluginmanager listens for the _child event, and when you spawn multiple sessions, the plugin manager will think that multiple plugins have loaded. There is, however, no problem with spawning as many sessions as you like in _start, or whereever you want (inside your "toplevel"-session.)

package SomeApp::Plugins::example;
use strict;    # always
use warnings;
use POE;       # just for the constants
our $name     = "SomeApp::Plugins::example";
# the name, has to match the classname
our $longname = "example plugin that demonstrates how to write plugins.";
# something descriptive
our $license  = "GPL";
# the license
our $VERSION  = "0.1";
# the version
our $author   = 'whoppix <>';
# the author

my $pluginmanager;
# the pluginmanager object. used to report errors.
my $shutdown_reason;
# the reason to shut down, for simplicty stored in a global.

sub new {
    my $type = shift;
    $pluginmanager = shift;
    my $init_data = shift; # data that can be given as parameter when loading the plugin
        'inline_states' => {
            '_start'   => \&start,
            '_stop'    => \&stop,
            'sig_DIE'  => \&handle_die,
            'shutdown' => \&plugin_shutdown,
    ) or die '[$name] Failed to spawn a new session.';

    # in this example we are spawning a new session straightforward.
    # theres no problem for a plugin to have multiple sessions running,
    # but the first session to start is treated by the pluginmanager as
    # the 'plugin'-session, so the best way is propably to spawn an
    # initial 'manager' session, and spawn more sessions from there.

sub start {
    $_[KERNEL]->sig( DIE => 'sig_DIE' );

    # this is an important thing to do. Plugins can terminate the entire
    # application, if they want to, but you should do this, to make sure
    # you don't crash the application by accident. For more information
    # on how this works, see POE::Kernel, section "exception handling"

    # setting an alias to keep the session alive
    return [ $name, $longname, $license, $VERSION, $author ];

    # this has to be returned in this order! The plugin manager catches
    # the '_child' signal, and puts those values you specify here into
    # the plugin table. If you fail to provide all of those values, the
    # pluginmanager will send a warning about missing initial parameters.

sub stop {
    print "[$name] is unloaded.\n";
    return $shutdown_reason;

    # if you care about letting the pluginmanger know why you shut down,
    # this is the place to return it.

sub handle_die {

    # called when you die.
    print "[$name] plugin died\n";
    my ( $sig, $ex ) = @_[ ARG0, ARG1 ];

    # $sig is the signal (DIE), $ex is the exception hash (see POE::Kernel,
    # 'exception handling)

    # if you want to let the pluginmanager know that an error ocurred.
    $_[KERNEL]->yield( 'shutdown', 'immediate', 'exception ocurred: plugin has to terminate.' );

    # if the error is so grave, that your plugin can't continue operating norm-
    # ally, shut yourself down, with an exception error.

    # if you don't do this, the application will terminate.

sub plugin_shutdown {
    my $timing = $_[ARG0];

    # timing can be "immediate", "smart" or "lazy".
    # this is just a convention, here an explanation how to handle timings:
    # immediate:
    #   shut down immediately, as fast as possible.
    # smart:
    #   its up to you to decide what work you think is needed to be done before
    #   shutting down. Do everything needed, but don't do too much.
    # lazy:
    #   lazy means you have plenty of time to shut down. This means you are
    #   allowed spending time on f.ex. saving your time to a database, making
    #   an integrity check, and make a general cleanup.
    # The pluginmanager will wait while all plugins shut down, and keep the app
    # up to date about how many plugins are pending, before the pluginmanager
    # can shutdown.
    # If the application didn't specify any shutdown timing, the default will
    # be "smart".

    my $message = $_[ARG1];

    # shutdown message, some string, most likely not interesting.
    # can be used as shutdown reason when session stops. Not guaranteed
    # to be meaningfull / defined.
    print "[$name] received shutdown signal: $timing because of: $message\n";
    $shutdown_reason = $message;

    # here you need to do everything needed to make your POE::Session stop.
    # here were just removing an alias, cleanly stopping the session could also
    # include f.ex. stopping spawned child-sessions, unregistering to other
    # sessions you registered too, and decreasing refcounts.
return 1;


There are many more examples of plugins in the examples/ folder.

related modules: POE, POE::Session, POE::Kernel, POE::Component::Pluggable


If you find any bugs or if you have any suggestions for improvements, you are welcome to file a bug report or drop me a notice at <>


whoppix, <>


Copyright (C) 2008 by whoppix

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.