PDF::Imposition::Schemaea4x4 - fixed size 16 pages on 2 sheets, with double individual folding


use PDF::Imposition::Schemaea4x4;
my $imposer = PDF::Imposition::Schemaea4x4->new(
                                                file => "test.pdf",
                                                output => "out.pdf",

The output pdf will be left in $imposer->output


Fixed signature size of 16 pages, printed recto-verso on 2 sheets.

This is not suitable for home-printing.

Scenario: the sheets are printed. Each sheet is folded individually twice. Then the two folded sheets are inserted one into the other, and finally the signature is bound and trimmed.

The bounding, to be stable, has to be done by a dedicated machine.

Long story short: if you are not looking exactly for this schema, it's not what you want.

+------+------+    +------+------+
|      |      |    |      |      |
|  r13 |  r4  |    |  r3  | r14  |
|      |      |    |      |      |
+------+------+    +------+------+
|      |      |    |      |      |
|  16  |  1   |    |  2   | 15   |
|      |      |    |      |      |
+------+------+    +------+------+

+------+------+    +------+------+
|      |      |    |      |      |
| r9   | r8   |    |  r7  | r10  |
|      |      |    |      |      |
+------+------+    +------+------+
|      |      |    |      |      |
|  12  |  5   |    |  6   |  11  |
|      |      |    |      |      |
+------+------+    +------+------+

To complete the block of 16 logical pages, blank pages are inserted if needed.