OnSearch::StringSearch - String search library for OnSearch.
use OnSearch::StringSearch;
@offsets = search_string ($pattern, $text);
@offsets = search_file ($pattern, $filename);
$offset = strindex ($pattern, $text);
Search_string () searches for the exact matches a string within another string, without performing regular expression pattern matching. Strindex searches for the first exact match. Search_file () searches a file for occurrences of a string.
In a list context, search_string () and search_file () return a list of file offsets where the pattern occurs in the search text, or a reference to the list in scalar context. Strindex () returns the offset of the first occurence. The subroutines return undef if the search pattern is not found.
strindex (pattern, text);
Returns the first occurence of pattern in text, or undef otherwise.
search_string (pattern, text);
Returns a list of offsets in text where pattern is found, or undef otherwise.
search_file (pattern, file_name);
Returns a list of offsets in the input file where pattern is found, or undef otherwise.
$Id:,v 1.4 2005/07/25 00:33:01 kiesling Exp $
Copyright © 2005 Robert Kiesling,
Licensed under the same terms as Perl. Refer to the file, "Artistic," for details.
The search strategies are from the Boyer-Moore search algorithm as described in Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 116:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '©'. Assuming CP1252