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OODoc::Format::Html - Produce HTML pages using OODoc::Template


  is an OODoc::Format
  is an OODoc::Object


my $doc = OODoc->new(...);
  ( 'html'   # or 'OODoc::Format::Html'
  , format_options => [show_examples => 'NO']


Create manual pages in the HTML syntax, using the OODoc::Template template system. Producing HTML is more complicated than producing POD, because one manual page may be spread over multiple output files.

Extends "DESCRIPTION" in OODoc::Format.


Extends "OVERLOADED" in OODoc::Format.


Extends "METHODS" in OODoc::Format.


Extends "Constructors" in OODoc::Format.

-Option         --Defined in     --Default
 html_meta_data                    ''
 html_root                         '/'
 html_stylesheet                   undef
 jump_script                       <html_root>/jump.cgi
 manifest         OODoc::Format    undef
 project          OODoc::Format    <required>
 version          OODoc::Format    <required>
 workdir          OODoc::Format    <required>
html_meta_data => STRING

Will be (usually) be added to the header, and may contain links to Cascading Style Sheets, and such.

html_root => URI
html_stylesheet => STRING

Adds a link to the stylesheet to the meta-data.

jump_script => URI
manifest => OBJECT
project => STRING
version => STRING
workdir => DIRECTORY

Inheritance knowledge

Extends "Inheritance knowledge" in OODoc::Format.

$obj->extends( [$object] )

Inherited, see "Inheritance knowledge" in OODoc::Object


Extends "Attributes" in OODoc::Format.


Inherited, see "Attributes" in OODoc::Format

$obj->manual( [$manual] )

Returns (optionally after setting) the $manual which is being processed.


Inherited, see "Attributes" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Attributes" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Attributes" in OODoc::Format

Page generation

Extends "Page generation" in OODoc::Format.

$obj->cleanup($manual, STRING)

Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format

$obj->cleanupString($manual, $object)

The general cleanup() is over eager: it turns all pieces of text into paragraphs. So things, like names of chapters, are not paragraphs at all: these simple strings are to be cleaned from paragraph information.

-Option        --Defined in     --Default
 append          OODoc::Format    undef
 format_options  OODoc::Format    []
 manual          OODoc::Format    <required>
 project         OODoc::Format    <required>
 template                         "html/manual/"
append => STRING|CODE
format_options => ARRAY
manual => MANUAL
project => STRING
template => DIRECTORY|HASH

A DIRECTORY containing all template files which have to be filled-in and copied per manual page created. You may also specify an HASH of file- and directory names and format options for each of those files. These options overrule the general createManual(format_options) values and the defaults. These options can be overruled by values specified in the template file.

example: template specification


template => "html/manual/"


template => { "man_index/"    => [ show_examples => 'NO' ]
            , "man_main.html" => [ show_examples => 'EXPAND' ]
-Option --Defined in     --Default
 process  OODoc::Format    qr/\.(s?html|cgi)$/
 source   OODoc::Format    "html/other/"
process => REGEXP
source => DIRECTORY
$obj->expandTemplate( $location, [$format] )

Translate a filename, directory name or hash with file/directory names which are specified as $location for templates into hash of filenames names and related formatting options. The $format is an array of options which can be overruled by values which the $location is specified as hash.

example: expanding template specification into files

my $exp = $self->expandTemplate("html/manual", [show => 'NO']);
while(my ($fn,$opts) = each %$exp) {print "$fn @$opts\n"}
# may print something like
#   index.html show NO
#   main.html show NO

my $exp = $self->expandTemplate(
  { "html/manual/index.html" => [show => 'YES']
    "html/manual/main.html"  => []
  } , [show => 'NO']);
# will print something like
#   index.html show YES
#   main.html show NO
$obj->link( $manual, $object, [$text] )

Create the html for a link which refers to the $object. The link will be shown somewhere in the $manual. The $text is displayed as link, and defaults to the name of the $object.

$obj->mark($manual, $id)

Write a marker to items file. This locates an item to a frameset.


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format

$obj->showOptionalChapter($name, %options)

Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format

$obj->showRequiredChapter($name, %options)

Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format

$obj->showSubroutine( <@> )

Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format


Inherited, see "Page generation" in OODoc::Format

 header  <required>
 output  <required>
 rows    <required>
header => ARRAY
output => FILE

An array of arrays, each describing a row for the output. The first row is the header.

Template processing

 manual  undef
manual => MANUAL
$obj->templateDate($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)
$obj->templateDistribution($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)

The name of the distribution which contains the manual page at hand.

$obj->templateHref($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)
$obj->templateIndex($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)

The index template is called with one keyword, which tells the kind of index to be built. Valid values are MANUALS, SUBROUTINES, DIAGNOSTICS, and DETAILS. In the future, more names may get defined.

The tag produces a list of columns which should be put in a table container to produce valid html.

-Option       --Default
 starting_with  'ALL'
 table_columns  2
 type           'ALL'
starting_with => 'ALL'|STRING

Only selects the objects which have names which start with the STRING (case-insensitive match). Underscores in the string are interpreted as any non-word character or underscore.

table_columns => INTEGER

Produce a table with that number of columns.

type => 'ALL'|STRING

The types of objects which are to be selected, which is not applicable to all kinds of indexes. The STRING may contain an underscore or pipe separated list of types, for instance method|tie when subroutines are listed or error for diagnostics.

example: use of the template tag "index"

<table cellspacing="10">
<!--{index DIAGNOSTICS type => error, starting_with => A}-->
$obj->templateInheritance($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)
$obj->templateList($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)
-Option          --Default
 manual            <required>
 show_sections     'LINK'
 show_subroutines  'LIST'
 subroutine_types  'ALL'
manual => MANUAL
show_sections => 'NO'|'NAME'|'LINK'

This option is only used when a chapter name is specified. It tells how to treat sections within the chapter: must they be shown expanded or should the subroutines be listed within the chapter.

show_subroutines => 'NO'|'COUNT'|'LIST'
subroutine_types => 'ALL'|LIST

The LIST contains a underscore separated set of subroutine types which are selected to be displayed, for instance method_tie_function. The separator underscore is used because Template::Magic does not accept commas in the tag parameter list, which is a pity.

$obj->templateManual($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)
$obj->templateMeta($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)

ARGS is a reference to a hash with options. ZONE contains the attributes in the template. Use new(html_meta_data) to set the result of this method, or extend its implementation.

$obj->templateName($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)
$obj->templateTitle($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)
$obj->templateVersion($templ, $attrs, $if, $else)

The version is taken from the manual (which means that you may have a different version number per manual) when a manual is being formatted, and otherwise the project total version.

Commonly used functions

Extends "Commonly used functions" in OODoc::Format.


Inherited, see "Commonly used functions" in OODoc::Object


Inherited, see "Commonly used functions" in OODoc::Object

Manual Repository

Extends "Manual Repository" in OODoc::Format.


Inherited, see "Manual Repository" in OODoc::Object


Inherited, see "Manual Repository" in OODoc::Object


Inherited, see "Manual Repository" in OODoc::Object


Inherited, see "Manual Repository" in OODoc::Object


Inherited, see "Manual Repository" in OODoc::Object



Error: cannot find chapter NAME in manual $name
Error: cannot find template source $name

Somewhere was specified to use $name (a file or directory) as source for a template. However, it does not seem to exist. Unfortunately, the location where the source is specified is not known when the error is produced.

Error: cannot write html manual to $filename: $!
Error: cannot write html to $filename: $!
Error: cannot write markers to $filename: $!
Error: chapter NAME in manual $name has illegal shape
Error: chapter without name in template $fn

In your template file, a {chapter} statement is used, which is erroneous, because it requires a chapter name.

Error: chmod of $filename to $mode failed: $!
Error: html source directory $source: $!
Error: illegal value to show_sections: $show_sec
Error: manual definition requires manual object

A call to addManual() expects a new manual object (a OODoc::Manual), however an incompatible thing was passed. Usually, intended was a call to manualsForPackage() or mainManual().

Warning: missing required chapter $name in $manual
Error: no group named as attribute for index

In your template file, an {index} statement is used without a chapter name or 'ALL'. Therefore, it is unclear which kind of index has to be built.

Error: no group named as attribute for list
Warning: no meaning for container $contained in chapter block
Warning: no meaning for container $contained in index block
Warning: no meaning for container $contained in list block
Error: not a manual, so no automatic title in $template
Error: not a manual, so no manual name for $template
Error: not a manual, so no name for $template
Error: unknown group $name as list attribute
Warning: unknown subroutine type $type for $name in $manual


This module is part of OODoc distribution version 2.02, built on December 08, 2021. Website:


Copyrights 2003-2021 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic license. See