NexposeSimpleXML::Parser - Parse NeXpose scan data with Perl
This document describes the latest version of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser.
my $nxp = new NexposeSimpleXML::Parser;
my $parser = $nxp->parse_file('test1.xml');
#a NexposeSimpleXML::Parser Object
my @host = $parser->get_all_hosts();
#an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Host Objects
my $host1 = $hosts[0];
my @services = $host1->get_all_services();
#an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Host::Service Objects
my $service1 = $services[0];
my @vulnerabilities = $host1->get_all_vulnerabilities();
#an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Vulnerabilities Objects for
#the host OS.
my @vulnerabilities = $service1->get_all_vulnerabilities();
#an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Vulnerabilities Objects for
#this service.
my $vulnerability1 = $vulnerabilities[0];
my @references = $$vulnerability1->get_all_references();
#an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::References Objects for this
#specific vulnerability.
For a full listing of methods see the documentation corresponding to each object.
NexposeSimpleXML::Parser -- Core parser
+--NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Session -- NeXpose scan session information
+--NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Vulnerabilitiy -- Vulnerability information
+--NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Reference -- Reference for vulnerability data
+--NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Fingerprint -- Fingerprint information (os or service)
+--NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Host -- General host information
| |
| |--NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Service -- Port information
| | |
The main idea behind the core modules is, you will first parse the scan data then extract the information. Therefore, you should run parse_file or parse_scan then the you can use any of the get_* methods.
- parse_file($xml_file)
Parse a NeXpose SimpleXML file.
- get_session()
Obtain the NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Session object which contains the session scan information.
- get_all_hosts()
Obtain an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Host objects which contain host information.
This object contains the scan session information of the NeXpose scan.
This object contains the information for a host.
- address()
Returns a string which contains the ip of this host.
- get_all_services()
Returns an array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Host::Service objects, which represent the services that this host has open.
- get_port($port)
Obtain a NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Host::Service object which contains the service information.
- get_all_ports()
Obtain an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Host::Service objects which contain port information.
- get_fingerprint()
Obtain a NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Fingerprint object which contain the fingerprint of the OS for this host.
This object contains the fingerprint details for the OS or service.
- certainty()
Returns a string which contains the certainty of this fingerprint.
- description()
Returns a string which contains the description this fingerprint. Example of an OS fingerprint: Ubuntu Linux 8.10
- vendor()
Returns a string which contains the vendor this fingerprint. Example of an OS fingerprint: Ubuntu
- family()
Returns a string which contains the family of this fingerprint. Example of an OS fingerprint: Linux
- product()
Returns a string which contains the product of this fingerprint. Example of an OS fingerprint: Linux
- version()
Returns a string which contains the version of this fingerprint. Example of an OS fingerprint: 8.10
- device_class()
Returns a string which contains the device_class of this fingerprint. This is undef for a service fingerprint.
- arch()
Returns a string which contains the arch of this fingerprint. This is undef for a service fingerprint. Exampleo of an OS fingerprint: x86_64
This object contains the information for a port.
- name()
Returns a string which contains the service name.
- protocol()
Returns a string which contains the protocol.
- port()
Returns a string which contains the port number.
- get_all_vulnerabilities()
Returns an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Vulnerability objects which contain information about the vulnerabilities for this service.
- get_fingerprint()
Obtain a NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Fingerprint object which contain the fingerprint of the service.
This object contains the information for vulnerability.
- id()
Returns the id of this vulnerability.
- response_code()
Returns the response code. This can be VE or VV. VE means 'vulnerable exploited'. VV means 'vulnerable version'.
- get_all_references()
Returns an Array of NexposeSimpleXML::Parser::Reference objects which contain reference details for the vulnerability.
This object contains the reference details for a vulnerability.
Here is an example of parsing an XML file using NexposeSimpleXML::Parser:
my $nxp = new NexposeSimpleXML::Parser;
my $parser = $nxp->parse_file('test1.xml');
foreach my $h ( $parser->get_all_hosts() ){
print "ip: " . $h->address . "\n";
foreach my $s ( $h->get_all_services() ) {
print "port: " . $s->port . "\n";
print "name: " . $s->name . "\n";
print "protocol: " . $s->protocol . "\n";
print "---\n";
XML::LibXML and Object::InsideOut
Joshua D. Abraham, <jabra AT spl0it DOT org>
Copyright 2010 Joshua D. Abraham. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.