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Net::StackExchange2 - Perl interface to the new StackExchange 2.1 API


Version 0.01


See DESIGN NOTES below about how the API is designed. See stackexchange api docs for more on the API. Below are some example usages.

use Net::StackExchange2;
#For read-only methods.
my $se = Net::StackExchange2->new({site => 'stackoverflow'});


#for methods that require auth.
my $se = Net::StackExchange2->new(
    {site=>"stackoverflow", access_token => '<THE ACCESS TOKEN>' , key => '<YOUR APP KEY>'}

#A few examples:

#Every entity will have an xxx_all() that gets all records,
#and another xxx() that takes ONE id or a number of ids

my $ret =  $se->answers->answers_all({ order=> "desc", sort=>"votes" });
my $ret = $se->answers->answers(14586834);#pass one single ID
my $ret = $se->answers->answers([4449779, 4477003]);#or pass many in an array ref

my $ret  = $se->search->search({tagged=>"perl"});

my $ret = $se->tags->tags_top_askers("perl", "month");

#filters are also supported. 

#This method gets comments from one user to another and only retrives the body of the comment
my $ret = $se->users->users_comments_toid(368070,22656, {filter => '!mRNaB_KjjP'});


This module is a perl wrapper to the stack exchange api. It mostly has a one to one mapping with the api methods documented here : Also see Net::StackExchange2::V2.


I designed the methods on this module to be flexible and intuitive. The stackexchange api methods are themselves pretty intuitive and follow a pattern. I'm also a perl beginner and purposely chose not to use Moose or Moo so that I could design the OO myself as a learning exercise.

Please file issues on the github repository if you feel there is anything wrong with the design.

Each entity in the api (Questions, Answers, Badges, Tags) usually has a url/method to get all and another one that takes a vector of ids, for tags the ids are the tag names. This module has a similar pattern of methods over all entities.


my $se = Net::StackExchange2->new({site => 'stackoverflow'});

#The 'all' methods... --------------------------------------------------------
#get the picture :) ?

#Methods that take an id -----------------------------------------------------
$se->answers->answers(1478554);#get ONE answer 

#must be passed in ARRAYREF
$se->answers->answers([1478554,1478555]);#get two answers

#get info for the tags perl, unix, c# and javascript
my $ret = $a->tags->tags_info(["perl", "unix", "c%23", "javascript"]);

$se->badges->badges(5);#get ONE badge
$se->badges->badges([5,10,15]);#get three badges. Note ARRAYREF

#methods with extra params  ----------------------------------------------------

#sorts gold first, then silver then bronze.
my $ret = $a->badges->badges([5, 10, 15], {sort => 'rank', order => 'asc'});
#get a particular question with a filter that fetches only body content 
my $ret = $a->questions->questions(14669096, { filter => '!f.Ac2qi(R1tVt'});

#one-to-one mapping with api urls -----------------------------------------------

#if you check out the API docs you'll see badges has the following url methods:

/badges                  => $se->badges->badges_all();
/badges/{ids}            => $se->badges->badges(5); 
                         OR $se->badges->badges([5,10,15]); 
                         OR $se->badges->badges([11,12,13,14,15], {sort => 'rank', order => 'asc'}); 
badges/name              => $se->badges->badges_name();
badges/{ids}/recipients  => $se->badges->badges_recipients([10,15], { filter => 'some_filter'});
badges/tags              => $se->badges->badges_tags();

#NOTE: All dates are send and received in Unix epoch time. See


Gideon Israel Dsouza, <gideon at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-stackexchange2 at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::StackExchange2

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2013 Gideon Israel Dsouza.

This library is distributed under the freebsd license: See FreeBsd in TLDR :