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Net::SecurityCenter::REST - Perl interface to (SecurityCenter) REST API


use Net::SecurityCenter::REST;

my $sc = Net::SecurityCenter::REST('');

if (! $sc->login('secman', 'password')) {
    die $sc->error;

my $running_scans = $sc->get('/scanResult', { filter => 'running' });



This module provides Perl scripts easy way to interface the REST API of (SecurityCenter).

For more information about the (SecurityCenter) REST API follow the online documentation:


Net::SecurityCenter::REST->new ( host [, $params ] )

Create a new instance of Net::SecurityCenter::REST.


  • timeout : Request timeout in seconds (default is 180) If a socket open, read or write takes longer than the timeout, an exception is thrown.

  • ssl_options : A hashref of SSL_* options to pass through to IO::Socket::SSL.

  • logger : A logger instance (eg. Log::Log4perl, Log::Any or Mojo::Log) for log the REST request and response messages.

  • scheme : URI scheme (default: HTTPS).

Two-Way SSL/TLS Mutual Authentication

You can use configure SSL client certificate authentication for user account authentication using IO::Socket::SSL SSL_* options in ssl_options param.

Example 1: User certificate + Private Key

my $sc = Net::SecurityCenter::REST( $sc_server, {
    ssl_options => {
        SSL_cert_file => '/path/ssl.cer',   # Client Certificate
        SSL_key_file  => '/path/priv.key',  # Private Key
} );

Example 2: User certificate + Private Key + Password

my $sc = Net::SecurityCenter::REST( $sc_server, {
    ssl_options => {
        SSL_cert_file => '/path/ssl.cer',   # Client Certificate
        SSL_key_file  => '/path/priv.key',  # Private Key
        SSL_passwd_cb => sub { 'secret' }   # Key secret
} );

Example 3: PKCS#12

my $sc = Net::SecurityCenter::REST( $sc_server, {
    ssl_options => {
        SSL_cert_file => '/path/ssl.p12',   # PKCS#12 file
} );

From IO::Socket::SSL man:

SSL_cert_file | SSL_cert | SSL_key_file | SSL_key

The certificate can be given as a file with SSL_cert_file or as an internal representation of an X509* object (like you get from Net::SSLeay or IO::Socket::SSL::Utils::PEM_xxx2cert) with SSL_cert. If given as a file it will automatically detect the format. Supported file formats are PEM, DER and PKCS#12, where PEM and PKCS#12 can contain the certificate and the chain to use, while DER can only contain a single certificate.

For each certificate a key is need, which can either be given as a file with SSL_key_file or as an internal representation of an EVP_PKEY* object with SSL_key (like you get from Net::SSLeay or IO::Socket::SSL::Utils::PEM_xxx2key). If a key was already given within the PKCS#12 file specified by SSL_cert_file it will ignore any SSL_key or SSL_key_file. If no SSL_key or SSL_key_file was given it will try to use the PEM file given with SSL_cert_file again, maybe it contains the key too.


If your private key is encrypted, you might not want the default password prompt from Net::SSLeay. This option takes a reference to a subroutine that should return the password required to decrypt your private key.


$sc->post|get|put|delete|patch ( $path [, \%params ] )

Execute a request to REST API. These methods are shorthand for calling request() for the given method.

my $nessus_scan = $sc->post('/scanResult/1337/download',  { 'downloadType' => 'v2' });

$sc->request ( $method, $path [, \%params ] )

Execute a HTTP request of the given method type ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', ''PATCH') to REST API.

$sc->login ( ... )

Login into using username/password or API Key.

Username and password authentication

$sc->login( $username, $password ):
$sc->login( username => ..., password => ... );

API Key authentication

Since Tenable.SC 5.13 it's possibile to use API Key authentication using access_key and secret_key:

$sc->login( access_key => ..., secret_key => ... );

More information about API Key authentication:


Logout from

$sc->upload ( $file )

Upload a file into


Catch the errors and return Net::SecurityCenter::Error class.


Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license.

git clone


  • Giuseppe Di Terlizzi <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018-2023 by Giuseppe Di Terlizzi.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.