Net::RDAP::Service - a module which provides an interface to an RDAP server.


use Net::RDAP::Service;

# create a new service object:

my $svc = Net::RDAP::Service->new('');

# get a domain:

my $domain = $svc->domain(Net::DNS::Domain->new(''));

# do a search:

my $result = $svc->domains('name' => 'ex*');

# get help:

my $help = $svc->help;


While Net::RDAP provides a unified interface to the universe of RIR, domain registry, and domain registrar RDAP services, Net::RDAP::Service provides an interface to a specify RDAP service.

You can do direct lookup of objects using methods of the same name that Net::RDAP provides. In addition, this module allows you to perform searches.



my $svc = Net::RDAP::Service->new($url);

Creates a new Net::RDAP::Service object. $url is a string or a URI object representing the base URL of the service.

You can also provide a second argument which should be an existing Net::RDAP instance. This is used when fetching resources from the server.

TLD Service Constructor

my $svc = Net::RDAP::Service->new_for_tld($tld);

This method searches the IANA registry for an entry for the TLD in $tld and returns the corresponding Net::RDAP::Service object.

Lookup Methods

You can do direct lookups of objects using the following methods:

  • domain()

  • ip()

  • autnum()

  • entity()

  • nameserver()

They all work the same way as the methods of the same name on Net::RDAP.

Search Methods

You can perform searches using the following methods. Note that different services will support different search functions.

$result = $svc->domains(%QUERY);

$result = $svc->entities(%QUERY);

$result = $svc->nameservers(%QUERY);

In all cases, %QUERY is a set of search parameters. Here are some examples:

$result = $svc->domains('name' => 'ex*');

$result = $svc->entities('fn' => 'Ex*ample, Inc');

$result = $svc->nameservers('ip' => '');

The following parameters can be specified:

  • domains: name (domain name), nsLdhName (nameserver name), nsIp (nameserver IP address)

  • nameservers: name (host name), ip (IP address)

  • entities: handle, fn (Formatted Name)

Search parameters can contain the wildcard character "*" anywhere in the string.

These methods all return Net::RDAP::SearchResult objects.


Each RDAP server has a "help" endpoint which provides "helpful information" (command syntax, terms of service, privacy policy, rate-limiting policy, supported authentication methods, supported extensions, technical support contact, etc.). This information may be obtained by performing a help query:

my $help = $svc->help;

The return value is a Net::RDAP::Help object.


Copyright 2018-2023 CentralNic Ltd, 2024 Gavin Brown. For licensing information, please see the LICENSE file in the Net::RDAP distribution.