Net::ICal::Freebusy -- Freebusy class
Net::ICal::Freebusy represents a list of time when someone's free or busy. Freebusy elements can be used in three ways:
To request information about a user's open schedule slots
To reply to a request for free/busy information
To publish a user's list of free/busy information.
use Net::ICal::Freebusy;
my $p = new Net::ICal::Period("19970101T120000","19970101T123000");
my $q = new Net::ICal::Period("19970101T124500","19970101T130000");
# syntax which works now
my $f = new Net::ICal::Freebusy(freebusy => [$p],
organizer => '');
# FIXME, BUG 424144:
# you should be able to say this, but it doesn't work now
my $f = new Net::ICal::Freebusy(freebusy => [$p, $q],
organizer => '');
new (options_hash)
Creates a new Freebusy element. Arguments should be specified as elements in a hash.
When making a request for information about a user's free/busy time, arguments can be any of the following:
contact - who to contact about this
dtstart - beginning of the window of time we want info about
dtend - end of the window of time we want info about.
duration - how large a block of time we want to know about.
dtstamp - when this request was created
organizer - user who wants information about free/busy times
uid - a unique identifier for this request.
url - a URL with more information about this request
attendee - which users' schedules we want info about; an array of Attendee objects
comment - a comment about this request.
freebusy - allowed but meaningless.
request_status - allowed but not relevant.
When responding to a request for free/busy information, the arguments mean different things:
contact - who to contact about this list
dtstart - allowed but irrelevant
dtend - allowed but irrelevant
duration - allowed but irrelevant
dtstamp - when this response was created
organizer - allowed but irrelevant
uid - a unique identifier for this response.
url - a URL with more information about this response.
attendee - the user responding to the request
comment - a comment about this response.
freebusy - an array of Durations that are free. Right now, only one Duration is allowed, This will be fixed.
request_status - a number representing the success or failure of the request. See RFC2445
When publishing information about busy time to other users, the parameters have the following meanings:
contact - who to contact about this list
dtstart - Beginning date of this range of published free/busy time
dtend - End date of this range of published free/busy time
duration - allowed but irrelevant (?)
dtstamp - when this information was published
organizer - The calendar user associated with this free/busy info
uid - a unique identifier for this publication of free/busy info.
url - a URL with more information about this published free/busy.
attendee - allowed but irrelevant.
comment - a comment about this publication.
freebusy - an array of Durations that are free. Right now, only one Duration is allowed, This will be fixed.
request_status - allowed but irrelevant.
new_from_ical ($text)
Takes iCalendar text as a parameter; returns a Net::ICal::Freebusy object.
More documentation pointers can be found in Net::ICal.