Net::Google::Drive::Simple::Mirror - Locally mirror a Google Drive folder structure


use Net::Google::Drive::Simple::Mirror;

# requires a ~/.google-drive.yml file containing an access token,
# see documentation of Net::Google::Drive::Simple
my $google_docs = Net::Google::Drive::Simple::Mirror->new(
    remote_root => '/folder/on/google/docs',
    local_root  => 'local/folder',
    export_format => ['opendocument', 'html'],



Net::Google::Drive::Simple::Mirror allows you to locally mirror a folder structure from Google Drive.


For setting up your access token see the documentation of Net::Google::Drive::Simple.



Creates a helper object to mirror a remote folder to a local folder.


remote_root: folder on your Google Docs account. See "CAVEATS" below.

local_root: local folder to put the mirrored files in.

export_format: anonymous array containing your preferred export formats. Google Doc files may be exported to several formats. To get an idea of available formats, check 'exportLinks()' on a Google Drive Document or Spreadsheet, e.g.

my $gd = Net::Google::Drive::Simple->new(); # 'Simple' not 'Mirror'
my $children = $gd->children( '/path/to/folder/on/google/drive' );
for my $child ( @$children ) {
    if ($child->can( 'exportLinks' )){
        foreach my $type (keys %{$child->exportLinks()}){
            print "$type";

Now, specify strings that your preferred types match against. The default is ['opendocument', 'html']

download_condition: reference to a sub that takes the remote file name and the local file name as parameters. Returns true or false. The standard implementation is:

sub _should_download{
    my ($self, $remote_file, $local_file) = @_;

    return 1 if $self->{force};

    my $date_time_parser = DateTime::Format::RFC3339->new();

    my $local_epoch =  (stat($local_file))[9];
    my $remote_epoch = $date_time_parser

    if (-f $local_file and $remote_epoch < $local_epoch ){
        return 0;
    else {
        return 1;

download_condition can be used to change the behaviour of mirror(). I.e. do not download but list al remote files and what they became locally:

my $google_docs = Net::Google::Drive::Simple::Mirror->new(
    remote_root   => 'Mirror/Test/Folder',
    local_root    => 'test_data_mirror',
    export_format => ['opendocument','html'],
    # verbosely download nothing:
    download_condition => sub {
        my ($self, $remote_file, $local_file) = @_;
        say "Remote:     ", $remote_file->title();
        say "`--> Local: $local_file";
        return 0;


force: download all files and replace local copies.


Recursively mirrors Google Drive folder to local folder.


At the moment, remote_root must not contain slashes in the file names of its folders.

remote_root => 'Folder/Containing/Letters A/B'

is not existing because folder "Letters A/B" contains a slash:

                 `--Letters A/B

This will be resolved to:

                 `--Letters A

The remote_root 'Example/root' may contain folders and files with slashes. These get replaced with underscores in the local file system.

remote_root => 'Example/root';

            `--Letters A/B

With local_root 'Google-Docs-Mirror' this locally becomes:

local_root => 'Gooogle-Docs-Mirror';

                `--Letters A_B

(Net::Google::Drive::Simple::Mirror uses folder ID's as soon as it has found the remote_root and does not depend on folder file names.)


Matthias Bloch, <lt>matthias at puffin ch<gt>


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

1 POD Error

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