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Net::Disqus - API access


version 1.19


use Net::Disqus;
my $disqus = Net::Disqus->new(
    api_secret  => 'your_api_secret',

my $reactions = $disqus->reactions->list(...);



Creates a new Net::Disqus object. Arguments that can be passed to the constructor:

api_secret      (REQUIRED)  Your Disqus API secret
secure          (optional)  When set, will use HTTPS instead of HTTP
ua_args         (optional)  Arguments to pass to the user agent (See L<Net::Disqus::UserAgent>)
pass_api_errors (optional)  If set, API errors are passed back as result so you can inspect it,
                            otherwise an exception is thrown if an API error occurs.


Returns the rate limit you have on the Disqus API.


Returns the number of requests you have remaining out of your rate limit.


Returns an epoch time when your rate limit will be reset.


Returns the number of seconds until your rate limit will be reset.


Returns the number of seconds you have to wait after the last performed request to exactly use up your rate limit before it's reset. Will return undef if the rate limit values aren't set, or for some reason you happen to hit it right when your limit resets. WARNING: Do not use sleep($disqus->rate_limit_wait), the net effect of sleep(undef) is that your application will sleep forever.

An example:

    while(1) {
        my $reactions = $disqus->reactions->list(forum => 'mysite');
        my $wait = $diqus->rate_limit_wait;
        sleep($wait || 60); 

fetch(url, %args)

Returns the result from an API call. Pass the following arguments:

url     (REQUIRED)  The url to call on the Disqus API
%args   (optional)  Arguments to pass to the API

This method will use the interfaces.json file to check whether the endpoint you requested is valid and whether you have passed all required arguments. An exception is thrown for invalid endpoints or missing required arguments.


You can call API methods either by their full URL:

$disqus->fetch('/reactions/list', forum => 'foo')

Or you can get the same result like this:

$disqus->reactions->list(forum => 'foo');

Use whatever you're more comfortable with.

For a list of API methods and their arguments, please see

All API calls will return a hash reference containing at the very least a 'code' and a 'response' key. Use the API documentation or API console to find out what exactly is returned.


When errors occur, and the 'pass_api_errors' option is not set, Net::Disqus will die and throw a Net::Disqus::Exception object. The object contains two properties, 'code' and 'text. Use the below table to find out what the problem was:

Code    Text
0       Success
1       Endpoint not valid
2       Missing or invalid argument
3       Endpoint resource not valid
4       You must provide an authenticated user for this method
5       Invalid API key
6       Invalid API version
7       You cannot access this resource using %(request_method)s
8       A requested object was not found
9       You cannot access this resource using your %(access_type)s API key
10      This operation is not supported
11      Your API key is not valid on this domain
12      This application does not have enough privileges to access this resource
13      You have exceeded the rate limit for this resource
14      You have exceeded the rate limit for your account
15      There was internal server error while processing your request
16      Your request timed out
17      The authenticated user does not have access to this feature
500*    No such API endpoint
500*    <variable>

The above list was taken from The HTTP status codes are not returned in the exception object. Exception code '500' is Net::Disqus' own, and will either contain the 'No such API endpoint' message if you are trying to access an endpoint not defined, or whatever error LWP::UserAgent encountered.

If you have set the 'pass_api_errors' option, the JSON error object will be returned to your application, so you will have to check the code yourself according to the above table.


An example using Try::Tiny:

my $nd = Net::Disqus->new(api_secret => 'reallyinvalid');
my $res;

try {
    $res = $nd->reactions->list(forum => 'foo');
} catch {
    # $_ contains the Net::Disqus::Exception object
    # $_->code should contain '5' and $_->text should contain 'Invalid API Key'

Another example:

my $nd = Net::Disqus->new(api_secret => 'myrealapikeygoeshere');
my $res;

try {
    $res = $nd->fetch('/this/isnt/good');
} catch {
    # $_ contains the Net::Disqus::Exception object
    # $_->code should contain '500' and $_->text should contain 'No such API endpoint'

And an example where we want to do this ourselves:

my $nd = Net::Disqus->new(api_secret => 'reallyinvalid', pass_api_errors => 1);
my $res;

try {
    $res = $nd->reactions->list(forum => 'foo');
} catch {
    # this will not result in an error unless there was no connection possible
# and now
# $res->{code} == 5;
# $res->{response} eq 'Invalid API Key';


Ben van Staveren, <madcat at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at If you want to contribute code or patches, feel free to fork the Git repository located at and make pull requests for any patches you have.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::Disqus

You can also look for information at:


Parts of the code based on Disqus' official Python lib.


Copyright 2011 Ben van Staveren.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.