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Net::AWS::SES - Perl extension that implements Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) client


use Net::AWS::SES;

my $ses = Net::AWS::SES->new(access_key => '....', secret_key => '...');
my $r = $ses->send(
    From    => '',
    To      => '',
    Subject => 'Hello World from SES',
    Body    => "Hello World"

unless ( $r->is_success ) {
    die "Could not deliver the message: " . $r->error_message;

printf("Sent successfully. MessageID: %s\n", $r->message_id);

######### sending attachments
my $msg = MIME::Entity->build();
my $r = $ses->send( $msg );


Implements Amazon Web Services' Simple Email Service (SES). Sess for details and to sign-up for the service.


After you sign-up for AWS SES service you need to create an IAM credentials and create an access_key and a secret_key, which you will be needing to interface with the SES. Do not forget to grant permission to your IAM to use SES. Read for details.


I attempted to make the method names as Perlish as possible, as opposed to direct copy/paste from the API reference. This way I felt you didn't have to be familiar with the full API reference in order to use the basic features of the service.

If you are avid AWS developer there is a call() method, which gives you access to all the documented Query actions of the AWS SES. In fact, that's what all the methods use to hide the complexity of the request/response. There are few examples of the call() method in later sections.

All the methods (including call()) returns an instance of Response. You should check if the the call is success by testing for is_success attribute of the response. If you want to gain full access to the raw parsed conents of the response (which originally is in XML, but we parse it into Perl hashref for you), result attribute is all you will be needing. For the details see Response manual. Since result() is the most important attribute of the resonse I will be giving you a sample result data in JSON notation for your reference.

new(access_key => $key, secret_key => $s_key)

new(access_key => $key, secret_key => $s_key, region => $region)

new(access_key => $key, secret_key => $s_key, from => 'default@from.address')

Returns a Net::AWS::SES instance. access_key and secret_key arguments are required. region is optional, and can be overriden in respective api calls. Must be a valid SES region: us-east-1, us-west-2 or eu-west-1. Default is us-east-1. from is optional, and can be overriden in respective api calls. Must be your verified identity.

send( $msg )


Sends an email address and returns Response instance.

If the only argument is passed, it must be an instance of MIME::Entity. Example:

$msg = MIME::Entity->build(
    From    => '',
    To      => '',
    Subject => 'MIME msg from AWS SES',
    Data    => "<h1>Hello world from AWS SES</h1>",
    Type    => 'text/html'

    Path     => File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'image.gif' ),
    Type     => 'image/gif',
    Encoding => 'base64'

$ses = Net::AWS::SES->new(....);
$r = $ses->send($msg);

unless ( $r->is_success ) {
    die $r->error_message;

If you don't have MIME::Entity instance handy you may use the following arguments to have AWS SES build the message for you (bold entries are required): From, To, Subject, Body, Body_html, ReturnPath. To send e-mail to multiple emails just pass an arrayref to To.

If From is missing it defaults to your default e-mail given to new(). Remember: this must be a verified e-mail. Example:

$r = $ses->send(
    From    => '',
    To      => '',
    Subject => 'Hello World'
    Body    => 'Hello World'
unless ( $r->is_success ) {
    die $r->error_message;

You may provide an alternate html content by passing Body_html header.

Charset of the e-mail is set to 'UTF-8'. As of this writing I didn't make any way to affect this.

Success calls also return a message_id, which can be accessed using a shortcut $r-message_id> syntax. See Response class.

Sample successful response looks like this in JSON:

    "MessageId": "00000141344ce1a8-0664c3c5-e9a0-4b47-aa2e-12b0bdf6070e-000000"

Sample error response looks like as:

    "Error": {
        "Code":     "MessageRejected",
        "Type":     "Sender",
        "Message":  "Email address is not verified."
    "xmlns":    "",


Verifies a given $email with AWS SES. This results a verification e-mail be sent from AWS to the e-mail with a verification link, which must be clicked before this e-mail address appears in From header. Returns a Response instance.

Sample successful response:

{}      # right, it's empty.


Retrieves list e-mail addresses. Returns Response instance.

Sample response:

    "Identities": ["", ""]


Retrieves list of domains. Returns Response instance.

    "Identities": ["", ""]



Deletes a given email or domain name from the SES. Once the identity is deleted you cannot use it in your From headers. Returns Response instance.

Sample response:

{ }     # empty


Gets your quota. Returns Response instance.

Sample response:

    "Max24HourSend":    "10000.0",
    "MaxSendRate":      "5.0",
    "SentLast24Hours":  "15.0"


Gets your usage statistics. Returns Response instance.

Sample response:

 "SendDataPoints" : {
   "member" : [
         "Rejects" : "0",
         "Timestamp" : "2013-09-14T13:07:00Z",
         "Complaints" : "0",
         "DeliveryAttempts" : "1",
         "Bounces" : "0"
         "Rejects" : "0",
         "Timestamp" : "2013-09-17T09:37:00Z",
         "Complaints" : "0",
         "DeliveryAttempts" : "2",
         "Bounces" : "0"
         "Rejects" : "0",
         "Timestamp" : "2013-09-17T10:07:00Z",
         "Complaints" : "0",
         "DeliveryAttempts" : "4",
         "Bounces" : "0"
      # ..................



            "value": {


Methods documented in this library are shortcuts for call() method, which is a direct interface to AWS SES. So if there is an API call that you need which does not have a shortcut here, use the call() method instead. For example, instead of using send($message) as above, you could've done:

my $response = $self->call( 'SendRawEmail', {
    'RawMessage.Data' => encode_base64( $msg->stringify )
} );

Those of you who are familiar with SES API will notice that you didn't have to pass any Timestamp, AccessKey, or sign your message with your SecretKey. This library does it for you. You just have to pass the data that is documented in the SES API reference.


  • Ideally all API calls must returns their own respective responce instances, as opposed to a common Net::AWS::SES::Response.

  • All documented API queries must have respective methods in the library.


JSON, MIME::Base64, Digest::HMAC_SHA1, LWP::UserAgent, Net::AWS::SES::Response, XML::Simple


Sherzod B. Ruzmetov <>


Copyright (C) 2013 by Talibro LLC

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.