MooseX::Workers::Engine - Provide the workhorse to MooseX::Workers
package MooseX::Workers;
has Engine => (
isa => 'MooseX::Workers::Engine',
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
required => 1,
default => sub { MooseX::Workers::Engine->new( visitor => $_[0] ) },
handles => [
MooseX::Workers::Engine provides the main functionality to MooseX::Workers. It wraps a POE::Session and as many POE::Wheel::Run objects as it needs.
- visitor
Hold a reference to our main object so we can use the callbacks on it.
- max_workers
An Integer specifying the maximum number of workers we have.
- workers
An ArrayRef of POE::Wheel::Run objects that are our workers.
- session
Contains the POE::Session that controls the workers.
- yield
Helper method to post events to our internal manager session.
- call
Helper method to call events to our internal manager session. This is synchronous and will block incoming data from the children if it takes too long to return.
- set_worker($key)
Set the worker at $key
- get_worker($key)
Retrieve the worker at $key
- delete_worker($key)
Remove the worker atx $key
- has_workers
Check to see if we have *any* workers currently. This is delegated to the MooseX::Workers::Engine object.
- num_workers
Return the current number of workers. This is delegated to the MooseX::Workers::Engine object.
- has_manager
Check to see if we have a manager session.
- remove_manager
Remove the manager session.
- meta
The Metaclass for MooseX::Workers::Engine see Moose's documentation.
- add_worker ($command)
Create a POE::Wheel::Run object to handle $command. If $command holds a scalar, it will be executed as exec($scalar). Shell metacharacters will be expanded in this form. If $command holds an array reference, it will executed as exec(@$array). This form of exec() doesn't expand shell metacharacters. If $command holds a code reference, it will be called in the forked child process, and then the child will exit.
See POE::Wheel::Run for more details.
MooseX::Worker::Engine fires the following callbacks to its visitor object:
- worker_manager_start
Called when the managing session is started.
- worker_manager_stop
Called when the managing session stops.
- max_workers_reached
Called when we reach the maximum number of workers.
- worker_stdout
Called when a child prints to STDOUT.
- worker_stderr
Called when a child prints to STDERR.
- worker_error
Called when there is an error condition detected with the child.
- worker_done
Called when a worker completes $command.
- worker_started
Called when a worker starts $command.
- sig_child($PID, $ret)
Called when the managing session receives a SIG CHLD event.
- sig_*
Called when the underlying POE Kernel receives a signal; this is not limited to OS signals (ie. what you'd usually handle in Perl's %SIG) so will also accept arbitrary POE signals (sent via POE::Kernel->signal), but does exclude SIGCHLD/SIGCHILD, which is instead handled by sig_child above.
These interface methods are automatically inserted when MooseX::Worker::Engine detects that the visitor object contains any methods beginning with sig_. Signals are case-sensitive, so if you wish to handle a TERM signal, you must define a sig_TERM() method. Note also that this action is performed upon MooseX::Worker::Engine startup, so any run-time modification of the visitor object is not likely to be detected.