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MooseX::Role::DryRunnable - role for add a dry_run (or dryrun) option into your Moose Class


package Foo;
use Moose;

with 'MooseX::Role::DryRunnable' => { 
  methods => [ qw(bar) ]

has dry_run => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', default => 0);

sub bar {
  print "Foo::bar @_\n";

sub is_dry_run { # required !
  my $self   = shift;
  my $method = shift;
  my @args   = @_;
  $ENV{'DRY_RUN'} || shift->dry_run

sub on_dry_run { # required !
  my $self   = shift;
  my $method = shift;
  my @args   = @_;
  $self->logger("Dry Run method=$method, args: \n", @args);


This module is a Moose Role who require two methods, `is_dry_run` and `on_dry_run`, the first method return true if we are in this mode (reading from a configuration file, command line option or some environment variable) and the second receive the name of the method and the list of arguments.


is_dry_run (self, method_name, argument_list)

This method will receive the name of the method and the argument list from the original method. Must return a boolean value. If true, we will execute the alternate code described in `on_dry_run`. You must implement!

This method can be useful to build a more complex idea of `dry run`. For example you can create groups of methods and create a `is_dry_run` more selective, like methods who save in database and save in filesystem, or you can add/remove some features based on configuration or datetime

on_dry_run (self, method_name, argument_list)

This method will receive the name of the method and the argument list from the original method. You must implement!


This Role is Parameterized, and we can choose the set of methods to apply the dry_run capability.

methods ArrayRef(Str)

This is the set of methods to be changed, must be an array ref of strings. Each method in this parameter will receive an extra code (using Moose 'around') to act as a Dry Run Method.


Moose::Role, MooseX::Role::Parameterized.


There are no known bugs in this module.

Please report problems to Tiago Peczenyj <>, or (preferred) to this package's RT tracker at <>.


Tiago Peczenyj <>


Copyright (c) 2013 Tiago Peczenyj <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.