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MooX::Attributes::Shadow - shadow attributes of contained objects


version 0.05


# shadow Foo's attributes in Bar
package Bar;

use Moo;
use Foo;

use MooX::Attributes::Shadow ':all';

# create attributes shadowing class Foo's a and b attributes, with a
# prefix to avoid collisions.
shadow_attrs( Foo => attrs => { a => 'pfx_a', b => 'pfx_b' } );

# create an attribute which holds the contained oject, and
# delegate the shadowed accessors to it.
has foo   => ( is => 'ro',
               lazy => 1,
               default => sub { Foo->new( xtract_attrs( Foo => shift ) ) },
               handles => shadowed_attrs( Foo ),

$a = Bar->new( pfx_a => 3 );
$a->pfx_a == $a->foo->a;


If an object contains another object (i.e. the first object's attribute is a reference to the second), it's often useful to access the contained object's attributes as if they were in the container object.

MooX::Attributes::Shadow provides a means of registering the attributes to be shadowed, automatically creating proxy attributes in the container class, and easily extracting the shadowed attributes and values from the container class for use in the contained class's constructor.

A contained class can use MooX::Attributes::Shadow::Role to simplify things even further, so that container classes using it need not know the names of the attributes to shadow. This is the preferred approach.

The Problem

An object in class A ($a) has an attribute ($a->b) which contains a reference to an object in class B ($b), which itself has an attribute $b->attr, which you want to transparently access from $a, e.g.

$a->attr => $a->b->attr;

One approach might be to use method delegation:

package B;

has attr => ( is => 'rw' );

package A;

has b => (
   is => 'ro',
   default => sub { B->new },
   handles => [ 'attr' ]

$a = A->new;

$a->attr( 3 ); # works!

But, what if attr is a required parameter to B's constructor? The default generator might look something like this:

has b => (
   is => 'ro',
   lazy => 1,
   default => sub { B->new( shift->attr ) },
   handles => [ 'attr' ]

$a = A->new( attr => 3 );  # doesn't work!

(Note that b now must be lazily created, so that $a is in a deterministic state when asked for the value of attr).

However, this doesn't work, because $a doesn't have an attribute called attr; that's just a method delegated to $a->b. Oops.

If you don't mind explicitly calling B->new in A's constructor, this works:


  my $args = shift->SUPER::BUILDARGS(@_);

  $args->{b} //= B->new( attr => delete $args->{attr} );

  return $args;

$a = A->new( attr => 3 );  # works!

but now b can't be lazily constructed. To achieve that requires actually storing attr in $a. We can do that with a proxy attribute which masquerades as attr in A's constructor:

has _attr => ( is => 'ro', init_arg => 'attr' );

has b => (
   is => 'ro',
   lazy => 1,
   default => sub { B->new( shift->_attr ) },
   handles => [ 'attr' ]

$a = A->new( attr => 3 );  #  works!

Simple, but what happens if

  • there's more than one attribute, or

  • there's more than one instance of B to construct, or

  • A has it's own attribute named attr?

Endless tedium and no laziness, that's what. Hence this module.


shadow_attrs( $contained_class, attrs => \%attrs, %options );
shadow_attrs( $contained_class, attrs => \@attrs, %options );

Create read-only attributes for the attributes in attrs and associate them with $contained_class. There is no means of specifying additional attribute options.

If attrs is a hash, the keys are the attribute names in the contained class and the values are the shadowed names in the container class. Set the value to undef to retain the original name. For example,

{ a => 'pfx_a', b => undef }

The contained class's a attribute is shadowed as pfx_a in the container class, while the b attribute is named the same in both classes.

If attrs is an array, the attributes in the container class are named the same as in the contained class.

The following options are available:


This is a reference to a subroutine which should return a modified attribute name (e.g. to prevent attribute collisions). It is passed the attribute name as its first parameter. If the attrs parameter was passed as a hash, attributes with defined shadowed names are not passed to fmt


In the case where more than one instance of an object is contained, this (string) is used to identify an individual instance.


If true, the actual attribute name is mangled; the attribute initialization name is left untouched (see the init_arg option to the Moo has subroutine). This defaults to true.

$attrs = shadowed_attrs( $contained, [ $container,] \%options );

Return a hash of attributes shadowed from $contained into $container. $contained and $container may either be a class name or an object. If $container is not specified, the package name of the calling routine is used.

It takes the following options:


In the case where more than one instance of an object is contained, this (string) is used to identify an individual instance.

The keys in the returned hash are the attribute initialization names (not the mangled ones) in the container class; the hash values are the attribute names in the contained class. This makes it easy to delegate accessors to the contained class:

has foo => (
   is => 'ro',
   lazy => 1,
   default => sub { Foo->new( xtract_attrs( Foo => shift ) ) },
   handles => shadowed_attrs( 'Foo' ),
%attrs = xtract_attrs( $contained, $container_obj, \%options );

After the container class is instantiated, xtract_attrs is used to extract attributes for the contained object from the container object. $contained may be either a class name or an object in the contained class.

It takes the following options:


In the case where more than one instance of an object is contained, this (string) is used to identify an individual instance.


Toby Inkster for the BUILDARGS approach.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website or by email to

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


The development version is on github at and may be cloned from git://


Diab Jerius <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007