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    package My::Data::Class;
    use base 'MongoDB::Simple';
    use MongoDB::Simple;

    database 'dbname';
    collection 'collname';

    string 'stringfield' => {
        "changed" => sub {
            my ($self, $value) = @_;
            # ... called when changes to 'stringfield' are saved in database
    date 'datefield';
    boolean 'booleanfield';
    object 'objectfield';
    array 'arrayfield';
    object 'typedobject' => { type => 'My::Data::Class::Foo' };
    array 'typedarray' => { type => 'My::Data::Class::Bar' };
    array 'multiarray' => { types => ['My::Data::Class::Foo', 'My::Data::Class::Bar'] };

    package My::Data::Class::Foo;

    parent type => 'My::Data::Class', key => 'typedobject';

    matches sub {
        my ($doc) = @_;
        my %keys = map { $_ => 1 } keys %$doc;
        return 1 if (scalar keys %keys == 1) && $keys{fooname};
        return 0;

    string 'fooname';

    package My::Data::Class::Bar;

    parent type => 'My::Data::Class', key => 'typedarray';

    matches sub {
        my ($doc) = @_;
        my %keys = map { $_ => 1 } keys %$doc;
        return 1 if (scalar keys %keys == 1) && $keys{barname};
        return 0;

    string 'barname';

    package main;

    use MongoDB;
    use DateTime;

    my $mongo = new MongoClient;
    my $cls = new My::Data::Class(client => $mongo);

    $cls->stringfield("Example string");
    $cls->objectfield({ foo => "bar" });
    push $cls->arrayfield, 'baz';

    $cls->typedobject(new My::Data::Class::Foo);

    my $bar = new My::Data::Class::Bar;
    push $cls->typedarray, $bar;

    my $id = $cls->save;

    my $cls2 = new My::Data::Class(client => $mongo);


MongoDB::Simple simplifies mapping of MongoDB documents to Perl objects.


Documentation needs more work - refer to the examples in the t/test.t file.


Ian Kent - <> - original author


This library is free software under the same terms as perl itself

Copyright (c) 2013 Ian Kent

MongoDB::Simple is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.