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Mojolicious::Plugin::TemplatePerlish - Template::Perlish renderer plugin for Mojolicious


This document describes Mojolicious::Plugin::TemplatePerlish version 0.002.


# Mojolicious
$app->plugin(TemplatePerlish => {name => 'tpt'});
$app->plugin(TemplatePerlish => {template_perlish => {start => '<%', stop => '%>'}});

# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin 'TemplatePerlish';
plugin TemplatePerlish => {name => 'tpt'};
plugin TemplatePerlish => {template_perlish => {start => '<%', stop => '%>'}});

# Set as default handler, default name is 'tp'

# Render without setting as default handler
$c->render(template => 'foo', handler => 'tp');


Mojolicious::Plugin::TemplatePerlish is a renderer for Template::Perlish templates. See Template::Perlish for details on the template format and available opitons, and Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering for general information on rendering in Mojolicious.

Mojolicious helpers and stash values will be exposed directly as variables in the templates, and the current controller object will be available as c or self, similar to Mojolicious::Plugin::EPRenderer. See Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers and Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers for a list of all built-in helpers.

$c->stash(description => 'template engine');
$c->stash(engines => [qw(Template::Perlish Template::Toolkit)]);

[% for my $engine (A 'engines') { %]
   [% engine %] is a [% description %].
[% } %]

[%= V('link_to')->('Perl', '') %]

Along with standard template files, inline and data section templates can be rendered in the standard way. Template files and data sections will be retrieved using Mojolicious::Renderer, so you should set "paths" in Mojolicious::Renderer to the appropriate paths towards the templates.


The following options are supported.


# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin TemplatePerlish => {cache => 0};

By default this plugin caches templates to avoid recompiling the over and over. If you plan to have a long running job, or a lot of templates, you can disable caching passing a false value (like in the example above). A true value enables caching. If you pass a hash reference, it will be used as cache (so you can e.g. pre-populate it with subroutines, see "compile_as_sub" in Template::Perlish).


# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin TemplatePerlish => {name => 'foo'};

Handler name, defaults to tp.


# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin TemplatePerlish => {read_binmode => ':raw'};

When a template is loaded from a file, this is the binmode that is applied upon opening the file. Defaults to the string :encoding(UTF-8).


# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin TemplatePerlish => {
   template_perlish => {
      start => '<%', # default is '[%'
      stop  => '%>', # default is '%]'
      variables => {foo => bar}, # default is {}

Options for Template::Perlish constructor.



$plugin->register(Mojolicious->new(), {name => 'foo'});

Register renderer in Mojolicious application.


Report bugs either through RT or GitHub (patches welcome).


Mojolicious. Most of the documentation and tests is copied from Mojolicious::Plugin::TemplateToolkit.


Flavio Poletti <>


Copyright (C) 2016 by Flavio Poletti <>

This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.