inc::Module::JSAN::DSL - Domain Specific Language for Module::JSAN
use inc::Module::JSAN::DSL;
name Digest.MD5
version 0.01
author 'SamuraiJack <>'
abstract 'JavaScript implementation of MD5 hashing algorithm'
license perl
requires Cool.JS.Lib 1.1
requires Another.Cool.JS.Lib 1.2
build_requires Building.JS.Lib 1.1
build_requires Another.Building.JS.Lib 1.2
One of the primary design goals of Module::JSAN is to simplify the creation of Build.PL scripts.
Part of this involves the gradual reduction of any and all superflous characters, with the ultimate goal of requiring no non-critical information in the file.
Module::JSAN::DSL is a simple Domain Specific Language based on the already-lightweight Module::Install command syntax.
The DSL takes one command on each line, and then wraps the command (and its parameters) with the normal quotes and semi-colons etc to turn it into Perl code.
Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at
For other issues contact the author.
Nickolay Platonov, <nplatonov at>
Many thanks to Module::Install authors, on top of which this module is mostly based.
Copyright 2009 Nickolay Platonov.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.