Microsoft::Translator - Client wrapper for Microsoft Translator's REST API
version 0.001
my $secret_key = 'Replace me with the key value in your instance details';
my $region = 'southcentralus';
my $tr = Microsoft::Translator->new( $secret_key, $region);
my @trans = $tr->translate([qq{Why hello there beautiful lady}], "en", qw{es});
foreach my $t (@trans) {
print "$t\n";
Client module for the microsoft translator service, as described here: Follow the directions in the "Develop your own app" section in the page linked to get started.
In essence, you have to create an instance of Microsoft Translator on an Azure subscription in some region relevant to your application. You then will extract the "secret key" from said instance's "Resource" page under the "Keys and Endpoint" heading. Pass this and the region to the constructor.
Available regions for Azure are here: Azure Regions
Available languages for Microsoft Translator are here: Translator Languages
The various endpoints wrapped by this module are here: Translator REST API Endpoints
This module was developed against the 3.0 version of the API.
new( STRING secret_key, STRING region, BOOL debug )
Returns an instance of Microsoft::Translator. Will print additional messages when the debug flag is high.
translate( STRING[] $strings, STRING $source_language, ARRAY @target_languages)
Translate the provided ARRAYREF of strings which are of source_language to the provided ARRAY of target_languages.
Returns a HASHREF keyed by string and translated language. Example:
my $tr = Microsoft::Translator->new( $secret_key, $region);
my %trans = $tr->translate([qq{Hello beautiful lady}, qq{What time is it}], "en", qw{es fr});
print Data::Dumper::dumper(\%trans);
Would print:
$VAR1 = {
'Hello beautiful lady' => {
'fr' => 'Bonjour belle dame',
'es' => 'Hola hermosa dama'
'What time is it' => {
'es' => "Qu\x{e9} horas son",
'fr' => 'Quelle heure est-il'
Dies in the event that the HTTP request fails, or the source/target langs are not supported.
transliterate( STRING[] $strings, STRING $from_langugage, STRING $from_script, STRING $target_script )
Transliterate provided ARRAYREF of strings written in from_script to target_script. from_language is also needed, as a number of languages share scripts.
my $to_tl = [
my $tr = Microsoft::Translator->new( $secret_key, $region);
my %tld = $tr->transliterate($to_tl, 'ja', 'Jpan', 'Latn');
print Dumper(\%tld);
Would print:
$VAR1 = {
'さようなら' => "\x{e3} \x{e3} \x{e3} \x{e3} \x{aa} \x{e3}",
'こんにちは' => "\x{e3} \x{e3} \x{e3} \x{ab} \x{e3} 0 \x{e3} \x{304}"
This obviously should be konnichiwa and sayonara, but I get:
ã ã ã « ã 0 ã ̄"
ã ã ã ã ª ã"
For whatever reason as of 10/2023. YMMV.
languages(STRING type)
Return ARRAY of supported language codes for the given type. Internally used to validate inputs, so you shouldn't need to call this during normal operations.
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
Current Maintainers:
George S. Baugh <>
Copyright (c) 2023 Troglodyne LLC
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