Monomial - Perl module implmenting an algebraic monomial
- new
Return a reference to a new Monomial object.
- copy OBJREF
Perform a deep copy of the object referred to by OBJREF.
- coefficient VALUE
- coefficient
Retrieve the value of the coefficient. If a value is passed, it is assigned as the new value.
- variables
- variables HASH
Retrieve the value of the variables hash. If a value is passed, it is assigned as the new value.
- varOrder
- varOrder ARRAYREF
Retrieve the value of the variable ordering array reference. If a value is passed, it is assigned as the new value.
- fromString STRING
Construct the state of the object from an expression.
- toString
Build an algebraic expression string representing the monomial.
- getSignature
Create a signature for a monomial such that any two monomials with the same exponents have the same signature.
- getTotalDegree
Get the sum the exponents for each variable in the monomial.
- canDivide OBJREF
Determine if the input monomial can divide this monomial.
- add OBJREF
Add this monial to the input monomial and return the sum.
- divide OBJREF
Divide this monomial by the input monomial and return the quotient.
- mult OBJREF
Multiply this monomial by the input monomial and return the product.
- coeff_to_ND
Constructs an array containing the numerator and denominator of the coefficient.
- coeff_from_ND ARRAYREF
Given an array ref containing numerator and denominator, this method builds the coefficient from the numerator and denominator passed in. The coefficient will be a string if the ratio is non-integer, otherwise it will be reduced to the integer and be a scalar.
- reduceCoefficient
Determines if the coefficient can be simplified to a simpler (smaller) numerator/denominator pair.
- reduceVariables
Determines if any variables can be removed from the monomials based on exponent values.
Given a monomial, determine the LCM of this monomial with the input monomial and return it.
Brian Guarraci <>