Mail::IspMailGate::Filter::Banner - Add a banner message to outgoing mails


# Create a filter
my($filter) = Mail::IspMailGate::Filter::Banner->new({
    'plain' => '/etc/mail/banner.plain',
    'html' => '/etc/mail/banner.html'

# Call him for filtering a given mail (aka MIME::Entity)
my ($attr) = {
    'entity' => $entity,    # a MIME::Entity object
    'parser' => $parser     # a MIME::Parser object
my($res) = $filter->doFilter($attr); 


This class can be used for adding a banner message to the top of outgoing E-Mails. It knows about MIME types and can deal with plain text or HTML messages.


new $ATTR

Class method. Create a new filter instance; you may supply two attributes: plain is the name of a banner file to attach to plain text mails and html is similar for HTML mails. The difference is, that the latter may contain HTML tags.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 291:

=over without closing =back