Logfile::Access - Perl extension for common log format web server logs


use Logfile::Access;

      my $log = new Logfile::Access;

      open (IN, $filename);
      while (<IN>)
        warn $log->remote_host;
      close IN;


A module for parsing common log format web server access log files.


	new() - defines new logfile row object

	load_mime_types() - loads mime types for filename extensions
	parse() - parses a common log format row

	print() - outputs the data to a common log format row
class_a() - returns the Class A of the remote_host

class_b() - returns the Class B of the remote_host

class_c() - returns the Class C of the remote_host

tld() - returns the top level domain of the remote_host

country_name() - returns the country name

domain() - return the domain of the remote_host

remote_host() - returns / sets the remote host
logname() - returns / sets the logname

user() - returns / sets the user name
date() - returns / sets the CLF date

mday() - returns / sets the day of the month

month() - returns / sets the abbreviated name of the month

year() - returns / sets the year

time() - returns / sets the time

hour() - returns / sets the hour

minute() - returns / sets the minute

second() - returns / sets the seconds

offset() - returns / sets the GMT offset
method() - returns / sets the request method

scheme() - returns the request object scheme

query_string() - returns the query string from the requets object

path() - returns the object path

mime_type() - returns the object mime type

unescape_object() - returns the unescaped object string

escape_object() - returns the escaped object string

object() - returns / sets the requets object

protocol() - returns / sets the request protocol
response_code() - returns / sets the numeric response code

content_length() - returns / sets the content length in bytes

http_referer() - returns / sets the http referer

http_user_agent() - returns / sets the http user agent string


None by default.


use Locale::Country;
use URI;
use URI::Escape;



David Tiberio, <>


Copyright 2004 David Tiberio,

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.