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LCC::Documents::filesystem - Documents stored on a filesystem


 use LCC;
 $lcc = LCC->new( | {method => value} );
 $lcc->Documents( '/dir', | {method => value} ); # figures out it's filesystem
 $lcc->Documents( 'filesystem','/dir', | {method => value} ); # force filesystem


The Documents object of the Perl support for LCC that should be used when documents are stored as files on a filesystem. Do not create directly, but through the Documents method of the LCC object.

Uses the File::Find module to create a list of files.


Apart from the methods documented here, see the methods available in the LCC::Documents module.


 $lcc->Documents( '/dir', {file_find_options => {bydepth => 1}} );

Specify (and/or return) the reference to the hash that is passed as the first parameter to File::Find::find. For more information, check the documentation of the File::Find module.


 $lcc->Documents( '/dir', {mimetype => \&mymimetype} );

Specify (and/or return) the reference of the subroutine that will be called to find out the MIME-type of each file that is being checked. Is expected to accept a single parameter, the absolute filename of the file being checked. Is expected to return the MIME-type to be associated with the file, or undef.

A default "mimetype" routine will be assumed that will return the correct MIME-type for all of the filetypes that are accepted by the default wanted subroutine.


 $lcc->Documents( '/dir', {subtype => \&mysubtype} );

Specify (and/or return) the reference of the subroutine that will be called to find out the subtype of each file that is being checked. Is expected to accept a single parameter, the absolute filename of the file being checked. Is expected to return the subtype to be associated with the file, or undef.

A default "subtype" routine will be assumed that will always return an empty string.


 $lcc->Documents( '/dir', {wanted => \&mywanted} );

Specify (and/or return) the reference of the subroutine that will be called for each file encountered. Is expected to accept a single parameter, the absolute filename of the file being checked. Is also expected to return a true value if the file should be included in the check.

A default "wanted" subroutine will be assumed if this method is never called. This subroutine checks whether the file as any of the following extensions:


and returns true (to indicate the file should be included in the check) if the extension matches.


Elizabeth Mattijsen, <>.

Please report bugs to <>.


Copyright (c) 2002 Elizabeth Mattijsen <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

SEE ALSO, the and the other LCC::xxx modules.