Imager::zxing - decode barcodes from Imager images using libzxing


use Imager::zxing;
my $decoder = Imager::zxing::Decoder->new;
# list accepted formats separated by '|'
print $decoder->formats;
# list available formats
print $decoder->avail_formats
# set the accepted formats
  or die $decoder->error;

# decode any barcodes
my $im = Imager->new(file => "somefile.png");
my @results = $decoder->decode($im);

for my $result (@results) {
  print $result->text, "\n";


A primitive wrapper around zxing-cpp

This requires at least 1.4.0 of zxing-cpp, but 2.1.0 is preferable.

Currently only supports decoding and doesn't expose much of the interface.

To use this:

  1. Create a decoder object:

    use Imager::zxing;
    my $decoder = Imager::zxing::Decoder->new;
  2. Configure it if needed, most likely by setting the accepted barcode encodings:

  3. Load an image using Imager:

    my $img = Imager->new(file => "somename.png")
      or die "Cannot load image ", Imager->errstr;

    The available file formats depends on the libraries Imager was built with.

  4. Decode the barcode:

    my @results = $decoder->decode($img)
      or die "No barcodes found";
  5. Process the results:

    for my $r (@results) {
      print $r->format, ": ", $r->text, "\n";

Imager::zxing::Decoder class methods

  • new

    my $decoder = Imager::zxing::Decoder->new;

    Create a new decoder object, does not accept any parameters.

    Default is to process all available barcode formats.

  • avail_formats

    my @formats = Imager::zxing::Decoder->avail_formats

    Returns a list of the barcode formats that are decodable.

Decoder object methods

Create a decoder with:

my $decoder = Imager::zxing::Decoder->new;


  • decode(image)

    Attempts to decode barcodes from the supplied Imager image object.

    Returns a list of result objects, or an empty list if none are found.

    my $img = Imager->new(file => "somefile.png") or die Imager->errstr;
    my @results = $decoder->decode($img);


  • formats()

    Returns the formats the decoder accepts as a | separated string.

    print $decoder->formats
    # default output:
    # Aztec|Codabar|Code39|Code93|Code128|DataBar|DataBarExpanded|DataMatrix|EAN-8|EAN-13|ITF|MaxiCode|PDF417|QRCode|UPC-A|UPC-E|MicroQRCode
  • set_formats(formats)

    Sets the barcode formats that the decoder will decode, as a space, | or comma separated string.

  • set_return_errors($bool)

    Set to non-zero to include results with soft errors such as checksum errors.

  • set_pure($bool)

    Set to non-zero to only accept results where the image is an aligned image where the image is only the barcode.

    Note: this appears to be non-functional in my testing, this accepted a rotated image.


Result object methods

Result objects are returned by the decoder decode() method:

my @results = $decoder->decode($image);
  • text()

    Returns the decoded text.

    my $text = $result->text;
  • is_valid()

    True if the result represents a valid decoded barcode.

  • is_mirrored()

    True if the result is from a mirrored barcode.

  • is_inverted()

    True if the barcode image has inverted dark/light. Requires zxing 2.0.0 to be valid.

  • format()

    The format of the decoded barcode.

  • position()

    The co-ordinates of the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right points of the decoded barcode in the supplied image, as a list.

  • orientation()

    The rotation of the barcode image in degrees.


Imager::zxing is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.