Image::Processor - Perl extension for woking with disk stores of images


use Image::Processor;
Part of the Image::Processor module


NOTE - This module is in early stages of development. It is hoped that others will help develop it or submit suggestions for improvements. I have tested this on the Windows platform and all the features that support the reason behind starting this project work fine, that is read a CD and create more manageable directories with different image sizes on your hard drive suitable for adding to a web site. I have a modified copy of HTML::PhotoAlbum that I can send if you need a way to manage the albums. Currently only captions and albums are supported.

Image::Processor started out as a single module to interact with a KodakCD. It has grown into a more encompassing project with some interesting tools that will help you hopfully manage your images. It can at present process KodakCD and Wal-Mart Photo CDs produced in 2000. It can also processor a directory of existing photos as well, but this feature is not as mature as the CD reads. One utility allows you to extact all your attachments from your email. It works on all mbox style mail, that includes Netscape (4.7x) on Windows. This utility has not been tested on others, but it is based on Mail::MboxParser which has.

Windows users will need to visit http::// and get the latest imagemagick dll's and PerlMagick. PerlMagick is available via ActiveStates PPM utility, but I have not tested with that version.

Processing is SLOW (2-5 seconds per CD image), due in part to the fact that the images are very large by default on the CD and partly because Image::Magick I believe is slow.


None this is all OOP.


use strict; use Image::Processor;

my $improcessor = Image::Processor->new();

#Two techniques. The first will prompt you on the console. #The second will not


$improcessor->console_get_drive(); $improcessor->modify_array( [ { suffix => 'thumb_', percent => '15' }, { suffix => 'med_', percent => '50' }, ] ); $improcessor->prompt_for_output_directory();


$improcessor->cdrom("E:\\"); # use if you want to get the images from # a lab cd otherwise use something like the line below #$improcessor->source_directory("c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/family/photos/CD_263577"); $improcessor->output_directory("c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/family/photos");

# this setups the processing information. you can have as many as you # like. Note the default thumbnail HTML page only supports two # different sizes. I have found that the settings below work well # for the CD that I have tested with. If you know your audience is on # a good connection with running high resolution a 50 - 60 on the 'NONE' # would be reasonable $improcessor->modify_array( [ { suffix => 'thumb_', percent => '10' }, { suffix => 'NONE', percent => '30' }, ] );

$improcessor->process(); $improcessor->create_index_html();

# this block shows how you can pass a different template # to the thumbnail_template method or index_template method # to override the default.

#$improcessor->thumbnail_template(qq! #<html> # <head> # <title>COOL Thumbnails of Images from {\$orderid}</title> # </head> # <body> # <a href="../">Return to the Album List</a><br> # <a href="">Return to Album opening page</a><br> # # <table align="center"> # <tr> # { my \$count = 1; # my \$html = ''; # foreach my \$file (\@image_list) { # \$html .= qq~ # <td valign="center" align="center"><a href="\$full_suffix\$file"><img src="\$thumb_suffix\$file"></a><td>~; # if (\$count % \$columns == 0) { \$html .= qq~ # </tr> # <tr>~; } # \$count ++; # } # \$html # } # </tr> # </table> # </body> #</html> #!);


# create_thumbnails_html requires a minimum of the below # when used with the default template. you can override # this by passing 'is_custom' => 1 as the key value pair.

$improcessor->create_thumbnails_html( { thumb_suffix => 'thumb_', full_suffix => 'med_' } );

Extract Email attachments

my $get_attachments = Image::Processor->new();

$get_attachments->mbox_file("c:/Program Files/Netscape/users/solution/mail/Inbox"); $get_attachments->attachment_output_directory("c:/tmp/test"); $get_attachments->process_file();


'process' accepts the following
    This method performs resizing and storing of your images
    from your source directory source.
'list_images' accepts the following
    This will list the images that are in the que to be processed
'copy_images' accepts the following
    This is copy an image from one location to another
'write_caption_file' accepts the following
    Modifies the caption.xml file in the directory the image is in.

'write_description_file' accepts the following
    Writes description.xml to disk, private.    

'resize_image' can resize a single image if make_various_sizes
         array has at least one hashref in its element list.

'make_various_sizes' - needs an array of hash refs that look like this:
    { suffix => 'thumb_', percent => '10' },
    { suffix => 'med_', percent => '30' },
    ] );
    The key suffix is what the files will be suffixed with when resize to the
    value associated with the percent key.
    These modifications will not effect your source as long as you specify a different
    file name and/or output directory.

'resize_images' - default method used to process a list of images, generally used
    internally, but can be accessed directly if needed.

'suffix' - internal method used to set the suffix for processing

'percent' - internal method used to set the precent for processing,
    but can be accessed externally if you understand how the process method works.
    In future releases this may change.


Aaron Johnson <>



1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 126:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 6 lines of content