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version 0.04


readfile.c:  reads image on file into memory

    Top-level functions for reading images from file
         PIXA      *pixaReadFiles()
         PIXA      *pixaReadFilesSA()
         PIX       *pixRead()
         PIX       *pixReadWithHint()
         PIX       *pixReadIndexed()
         PIX       *pixReadStream()

    Read header information from file
         l_int32    pixReadHeader()

    Format finders
         l_int32    findFileFormat()
         l_int32    findFileFormatStream()
         l_int32    findFileFormatBuffer()
         l_int32    fileFormatIsTiff()

    Read from memory
         PIX       *pixReadMem()
         l_int32    pixReadHeaderMem()

    Test function for I/O with different formats
         l_int32    ioFormatTest()

Supported file formats:
(1) Reading is supported without any external libraries:
        pnm   (including pbm, pgm, etc)
        spix  (raw serialized)
(2) Reading is supported with installation of external libraries:
        jpg   (standard jfif version)
        tiff  (including most varieties of compression)
(3) This file format is recognized by the library but reading
    is not supported:
        jp2 (jpeg2000)
(4) All other file types will get an "unknown format" error.



l_int32 fileFormatIsTiff ( FILE *fp )


    Input:  fp (file stream)
    Return: 1 if file is tiff; 0 otherwise or on error


l_int32 findFileFormat ( const char *filename, l_int32 *pformat )


    Input:  filename
            &format (<return>)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if format is not recognized


l_int32 findFileFormatBuffer ( const l_uint8 *buf, l_int32 *pformat )


    Input:  byte buffer (at least 12 bytes in size; we can't check)
            &format (<return>)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if format is not recognized

    (1) This determines the file format from the first 12 bytes in
        the compressed data stream, which are stored in memory.
    (2) For tiff files, this returns IFF_TIFF.  The specific tiff
        compression is then determined using findTiffCompression().


l_int32 findFileFormatStream ( FILE *fp, l_int32 *pformat )


    Input:  fp (file stream)
            &format (<return>)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if format is not recognized

    (1) Important: Side effect -- this resets fp to BOF.


l_int32 ioFormatTest ( const char *filename )


    Input:  filename (input file)
    Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error or if the test fails

    (1) This writes and reads a set of output files losslessly
        in different formats to /tmp, and tests that the
        result before and after is unchanged.
    (2) This should work properly on input images of any depth,
        with and without colormaps.
    (3) All supported formats are tested for bmp, png, tiff and
        non-ascii pnm.  Ascii pnm also works (but who'd ever want
        to use it?)   We allow 2 bpp bmp, although it's not
        supported elsewhere.  And we don't support reading
        16 bpp png, although this can be turned on in pngio.c.
    (4) This silently skips png or tiff testing if HAVE_LIBPNG
        or HAVE_LIBTIFF are 0, respectively.


PIX * pixRead ( const char *filename )


    Input:  filename (with full pathname or in local directory)
    Return: pix if OK; null on error

    (1) See at top of file for supported formats.


l_int32 pixReadHeader ( const char *filename, l_int32 *pformat, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap )


    Input:  filename (with full pathname or in local directory)
            &format (<optional return> file format)
            &w, &h (<optional returns> width and height)
            &bps <optional return> bits/sample
            &spp <optional return> samples/pixel (1, 3 or 4)
            &iscmap (<optional return> 1 if cmap exists; 0 otherwise)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This reads the actual headers for jpeg, png, tiff and pnm.
        For bmp and gif, we cheat and read the entire file into a pix,
        from which we extract the "header" information.


l_int32 pixReadHeaderMem ( const l_uint8 *data, size_t size, l_int32 *pformat, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap )


    Input:  data (const; encoded)
            datasize (size of data)
            &format (<optional returns> image format)
            &w, &h (<optional returns> width and height)
            &bps <optional return> bits/sample
            &spp <optional return> samples/pixel (1, 3 or 4)
            &iscmap (<optional return> 1 if cmap exists; 0 otherwise)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This reads the actual headers for jpeg, png, tiff and pnm.
        For bmp and gif, we cheat and read all the data into a pix,
        from which we extract the "header" information.
    (2) On windows, this will only read tiff formatted files from
        memory.  For other formats, it requires fmemopen(3).
        Attempts to read those formats will fail at runtime.
    (3) findFileFormatBuffer() requires up to 8 bytes to decide on
        the format.  That determines the constraint here.


PIX * pixReadIndexed ( SARRAY *sa, l_int32 index )


    Input:  sarray (of full pathnames)
            index (into pathname array)
    Return: pix if OK; null if not found

    (1) This function is useful for selecting image files from a
        directory, where the integer @index is embedded into
        the file name.
    (2) This is typically done by generating the sarray using
        getNumberedPathnamesInDirectory(), so that the @index
        pathname would have the number @index in it.  The size
        of the sarray should be the largest number (plus 1) appearing
        in the file names, respecting the constraints in the
        call to getNumberedPathnamesInDirectory().
    (3) Consequently, for some indices into the sarray, there may
        be no pathnames in the directory containing that number.
        By convention, we place empty C strings ("") in those
        locations in the sarray, and it is not an error if such
        a string is encountered and no pix is returned.
        Therefore, the caller must verify that a pix is returned.
    (4) See convertSegmentedPagesToPS() in src/psio1.c for an
        example of usage.


PIX * pixReadMem ( const l_uint8 *data, size_t size )


    Input:  data (const; encoded)
            datasize (size of data)
    Return: pix, or null on error

    (1) This is a variation of pixReadStream(), where the data is read
        from a memory buffer rather than a file.
    (2) On windows, this will only read tiff formatted files from
        memory.  For other formats, it requires fmemopen(3).
        Attempts to read those formats will fail at runtime.
    (3) findFileFormatBuffer() requires up to 8 bytes to decide on
        the format.  That determines the constraint here.


PIX * pixReadStream ( FILE *fp, l_int32 hint )


    Input:  fp (file stream)
            hint (bitwise OR of L_HINT_* values for jpeg; use 0 for no hint)
    Return: pix if OK; null on error

    (1) The hint only applies to jpeg.


PIX * pixReadWithHint ( const char *filename, l_int32 hint )


    Input:  filename (with full pathname or in local directory)
            hint (bitwise OR of L_HINT_* values for jpeg; use 0 for no hint)
    Return: pix if OK; null on error

    (1) The hint is not binding, but may be used to optimize jpeg decoding.
        Use 0 for no hinting.


PIXA * pixaReadFiles ( const char *dirname, const char *substr )


    Input:  dirname
            substr (<optional> substring filter on filenames; can be null)
    Return: pixa, or null on error

    (1) @dirname is the full path for the directory.
    (2) @substr is the part of the file name (excluding
        the directory) that is to be matched.  All matching
        filenames are read into the Pixa.  If substr is NULL,
        all filenames are read into the Pixa.


PIXA * pixaReadFilesSA ( SARRAY *sa )


    Input:  sarray (full pathnames for all files)
    Return: pixa, or null on error


Zakariyya Mughal <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.