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version 0.04



    Basic operations to locate and identify the line widths
    in 1D barcodes.

    Top level
        SARRAY          *pixProcessBarcodes()

    Next levels
        PIXA            *pixExtractBarcodes()
        SARRAY          *pixReadBarcodes()
        l_int32          pixReadBarcodeWidths()

        BOXA            *pixLocateBarcodes()
        static PIX      *pixGenerateBarcodeMask()

    Extraction and deskew
        PIXA            *pixDeskewBarcodes()

    Process to get line widths
        NUMA            *pixExtractBarcodeWidths1()
        NUMA            *pixExtractBarcodeWidths2()
        NUMA            *pixExtractBarcodeCrossings()

    Average adjacent rasters
        static NUMA     *pixAverageRasterScans()

    Signal processing for barcode widths
        NUMA            *numaQuantizeCrossingsByWidth()
        static l_int32   numaGetCrossingDistances()
        static NUMA     *numaLocatePeakRanges()
        static NUMA     *numaGetPeakCentroids()
        static NUMA     *numaGetPeakWidthLUT()
        NUMA            *numaQuantizeCrossingsByWindow()
        static l_int32   numaEvalBestWidthAndShift()
        static l_int32   numaEvalSyncError()

NOTE CAREFULLY: This is "early beta" code.  It has not been tuned
to work robustly on a large database of barcode images.  I'm putting
it out so that people can play with it, find out how it breaks, and
contribute decoders for other barcode formats.  Both the functional
interfaces and ABI will almost certainly change in the coming
few months.  The actual decoder, in bardecode.c, at present only
works on the following codes: Code I2of5, Code 2of5, Code 39, Code 93
Codabar and UPCA.  To add another barcode format, it is necessary
to make changes in readbarcode.h and bardecode.c.
The program prog/barcodetest shows how to run from the top level
(image --> decoded data).



NUMA * numaQuantizeCrossingsByWidth ( NUMA *nas, l_float32 binfract, NUMA **pnaehist, NUMA **pnaohist, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  nas (numa of crossing locations, in pixel units)
            binfract (histo binsize as a fraction of minsize; e.g., 0.25)
            &naehist (<optional return> histo of even (black) bar widths)
            &naohist (<optional return> histo of odd (white) bar widths)
            debugflag (1 to generate plots of histograms of bar widths)
    Return: nad (sequence of widths, in unit sizes), or null on error

    (1) This first computes the histogram of black and white bar widths,
        binned in appropriate units.  There should be well-defined
        peaks, each corresponding to a specific width.  The sequence
        of barcode widths (namely, the integers from the set {1,2,3,4})
        is returned.
    (2) The optional returned histograms are binned in width units
        that are inversely proportional to @binfract.  For example,
        if @binfract = 0.25, there are 4.0 bins in the distance of
        the width of the narrowest bar.


NUMA * numaQuantizeCrossingsByWindow ( NUMA *nas, l_float32 ratio, l_float32 *pwidth, l_float32 *pfirstloc, NUMA **pnac, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  nas (numa of crossing locations)
            ratio (of max window size over min window size in search;
                   typ. 2.0)
            &width (<optional return> best window width)
            &firstloc (<optional return> center of window for first xing)
            &nac (<optional return> array of window crossings (0, 1, 2))
            debugflag (1 to generate various plots of intermediate results)
    Return: nad (sequence of widths, in unit sizes), or null on error

    (1) The minimum size of the window is set by the minimum
        distance between zero crossings.
    (2) The optional return signal @nac is a sequence of 0s, 1s,
        and perhaps a few 2s, giving the number of crossings in each window.
        On the occasion where there is a '2', it is interpreted as
        ending two runs: the previous one and another one that has length 1.


PIX * pixDeskewBarcode ( PIX *pixs, PIX *pixb, BOX *box, l_int32 margin, l_int32 threshold, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf )


    Input:  pixs (input image; 8 bpp)
            pixb (binarized edge-filtered input image)
            box (identified region containing barcode)
            margin (of extra pixels around box to extract)
            threshold (for binarization; ~20)
            &angle (<optional return> in degrees, clockwise is positive)
            &conf (<optional return> confidence)
    Return: pixd (deskewed barcode), or null on error

   (1) The (optional) angle returned is the angle in degrees (cw positive)
       necessary to rotate the image so that it is deskewed.


NUMA * pixExtractBarcodeCrossings ( PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  pixs (input image; 8 bpp)
            thresh (estimated pixel threshold for crossing
                    white <--> black; typ. ~120)
            debugflag (use 1 to generate debug output)
    Return: numa (of crossings, in pixel units), or null on error


NUMA * pixExtractBarcodeWidths1 ( PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 binfract, NUMA **pnaehist, NUMA **pnaohist, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  pixs (input image; 8 bpp)
            thresh (estimated pixel threshold for crossing
                    white <--> black; typ. ~120)
            binfract (histo binsize as a fraction of minsize; e.g., 0.25)
            &naehist (<optional return> histogram of black widths; NULL ok)
            &naohist (<optional return> histogram of white widths; NULL ok)
            debugflag (use 1 to generate debug output)
    Return: nad (numa of barcode widths in encoded integer units),
                or null on error

   (1) The widths are alternating black/white, starting with black
       and ending with black.
   (2) This method uses the widths of the bars directly, in terms
       of the (float) number of pixels between transitions.
       The histograms of these widths for black and white bars is
       generated and interpreted.


NUMA * pixExtractBarcodeWidths2 ( PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 *pwidth, NUMA **pnac, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  pixs (input image; 8 bpp)
            thresh (estimated pixel threshold for crossing
                    white <--> black; typ. ~120)
            &width (<optional return> best decoding window width, in pixels)
            &nac (<optional return> number of transitions in each window)
            debugflag (use 1 to generate debug output)
    Return: nad (numa of barcode widths in encoded integer units),
                or null on error

    (1) The widths are alternating black/white, starting with black
        and ending with black.
    (2) The optional best decoding window width is the width of the window
        that is used to make a decision about whether a transition occurs.
        It is approximately the average width in pixels of the narrowest
        white and black bars (i.e., those corresponding to unit width).
    (3) The optional return signal @nac is a sequence of 0s, 1s,
        and perhaps a few 2s, giving the number of crossings in each window.
        On the occasion where there is a '2', it is interpreted as
        as ending two runs: the previous one and another one that has length 1.


PIXA * pixExtractBarcodes ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  pixs (8 bpp, no colormap)
            debugflag (use 1 to generate debug output)
    Return: pixa (deskewed and cropped barcodes), or null if
                  none found or on error


BOXA * pixLocateBarcodes ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 thresh, PIX **ppixb, PIX **ppixm )


    Input:  pixs (any depth)
            thresh (for binarization of edge filter output; typ. 20)
            &pixb (<optional return> binarized edge filtered input image)
            &pixm (<optional return> mask over barcodes)
    Return: boxa (location of barcodes), or null if none found or on error


SARRAY * pixProcessBarcodes ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 format, l_int32 method, SARRAY **psaw, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  pixs (any depth)
            format (L_BF_ANY, L_BF_CODEI2OF5, L_BF_CODE93, ...)
            method (L_USE_WIDTHS, L_USE_WINDOWS)
            &saw (<optional return> sarray of bar widths)
            debugflag (use 1 to generate debug output)
    Return: sarray (text of barcodes), or null if none found or on error


NUMA * pixReadBarcodeWidths ( PIX *pixs, l_int32 method, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  pixs (of 8 bpp deskewed and cropped barcode)
            method (L_USE_WIDTHS, L_USE_WINDOWS);
            debugflag (use 1 to generate debug output)
    Return: na (numa of widths (each in set {1,2,3,4}), or null on error


SARRAY * pixReadBarcodes ( PIXA *pixa, l_int32 format, l_int32 method, SARRAY **psaw, l_int32 debugflag )


    Input:  pixa (of 8 bpp deskewed and cropped barcodes)
            format (L_BF_ANY, L_BF_CODEI2OF5, L_BF_CODE93, ...)
            method (L_USE_WIDTHS, L_USE_WINDOWS);
            &saw (<optional return> sarray of bar widths)
            debugflag (use 1 to generate debug output)
    Return: sa (sarray of widths, one string for each barcode found),
                or null on error


Zakariyya Mughal <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.