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version 0.04



    Thresholding from 8 bpp to 1 bpp

        Floyd-Steinberg dithering to binary
            void       ditherToBinaryLow()
            void       ditherToBinaryLineLow()

        Simple (pixelwise) binarization
            void       thresholdToBinaryLow()
            void       thresholdToBinaryLineLow()

        A slower version of Floyd-Steinberg dithering that uses LUTs
            void       ditherToBinaryLUTLow()
            void       ditherToBinaryLineLUTLow()
            l_int32    make8To1DitherTables()

    Thresholding from 8 bpp to 2 bpp

        Floyd-Steinberg-like dithering to 2 bpp
            void       ditherTo2bppLow()
            void       ditherTo2bppLineLow()
            l_int32    make8To2DitherTables()

        Simple thresholding to 2 bpp
            void       thresholdTo2bppLow()

    Thresholding from 8 bpp to 4 bpp

        Simple thresholding to 4 bpp
            void       thresholdTo4bppLow()



void ditherTo2bppLineLow ( l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 w, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 *tabval, l_int32 *tab38, l_int32 *tab14, l_int32 lastlineflag )


    Input:  lined  (ptr to beginning of dest line
            w   (width of image in pixels)
            bufs1 (buffer of current source line)
            bufs2 (buffer of next source line)
            tabval (value to assign for current pixel)
            tab38 (excess value to give to neighboring 3/8 pixels)
            tab14 (excess value to give to neighboring 1/4 pixel)
            lastlineflag  (0 if not last dest line, 1 if last dest line)
    Return: void

Dispatches error diffusion dithering for
a single line of the image.  If lastlineflag == 0,
both source buffers are used; otherwise, only bufs1
is used.  We use source buffers because the error
is propagated into them, and we don't want to change
the input src image.

We break dithering out line by line to make it
easier to combine functions like interpolative
scaling and error diffusion dithering, as such a
combination of operations obviates the need to
generate a 2x grayscale image as an intermediary.


void ditherTo2bppLow ( l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 *tabval, l_int32 *tab38, l_int32 *tab14 )


Low-level function for doing Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion
dithering from 8 bpp (datas) to 2 bpp (datad).  Two source
line buffers, bufs1 and bufs2, are provided, along with three
256-entry lookup tables: tabval gives the output pixel value,
tab38 gives the extra (plus or minus) transferred to the pixels
directly to the left and below, and tab14 gives the extra
transferred to the diagonal below.  The choice of 3/8 and 1/4
is traditional but arbitrary when you use a lookup table; the
only constraint is that the sum is 1.  See other comments
below and in grayquant.c.


void ditherToBinaryLUTLow ( l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 *tabval, l_int32 *tab38, l_int32 *tab14 )


Low-level function for doing Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion
dithering from 8 bpp (datas) to 1 bpp (datad).  Two source
line buffers, bufs1 and bufs2, are provided, along with three
256-entry lookup tables: tabval gives the output pixel value,
tab38 gives the extra (plus or minus) transferred to the pixels
directly to the left and below, and tab14 gives the extra
transferred to the diagonal below.  The choice of 3/8 and 1/4
is traditional but arbitrary when you use a lookup table; the
only constraint is that the sum is 1.  See other comments below.


void ditherToBinaryLineLUTLow ( l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 w, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 *tabval, l_int32 *tab38, l_int32 *tab14, l_int32 lastlineflag )


    Input:  lined  (ptr to beginning of dest line
            w   (width of image in pixels)
            bufs1 (buffer of current source line)
            bufs2 (buffer of next source line)
            tabval (value to assign for current pixel)
            tab38 (excess value to give to neighboring 3/8 pixels)
            tab14 (excess value to give to neighboring 1/4 pixel)
            lastlineflag  (0 if not last dest line, 1 if last dest line)
    Return: void


void ditherToBinaryLineLow ( l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 w, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip, l_int32 lastlineflag )


    Input:  lined  (ptr to beginning of dest line
            w   (width of image in pixels)
            bufs1 (buffer of current source line)
            bufs2 (buffer of next source line)
            lowerclip (lower clip distance to black)
            upperclip (upper clip distance to white)
            lastlineflag  (0 if not last dest line, 1 if last dest line)
    Return: void

Dispatches FS error diffusion dithering for
a single line of the image.  If lastlineflag == 0,
both source buffers are used; otherwise, only bufs1
is used.  We use source buffers because the error
is propagated into them, and we don't want to change
the input src image.

We break dithering out line by line to make it
easier to combine functions like interpolative
scaling and error diffusion dithering, as such a
combination of operations obviates the need to
generate a 2x grayscale image as an intermediary.


void ditherToBinaryLow ( l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip )


See comments in pixDitherToBinary() in binarize.c


l_int32 make8To1DitherTables ( l_int32 **ptabval, l_int32 **ptab38, l_int32 **ptab14, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip )


    Input: &tabval (value assigned to output pixel; 0 or 1)
           &tab38  (amount propagated to pixels left and below)
           &tab14  (amount propagated to pixel to left and down)
           lowerclip (values near 0 where the excess is not propagated)
           upperclip (values near 255 where the deficit is not propagated)

    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


l_int32 make8To2DitherTables ( l_int32 **ptabval, l_int32 **ptab38, l_int32 **ptab14, l_int32 cliptoblack, l_int32 cliptowhite )


    Input: &tabval (value assigned to output pixel; 0, 1, 2 or 3)
           &tab38  (amount propagated to pixels left and below)
           &tab14  (amount propagated to pixel to left and down)
           cliptoblack (values near 0 where the excess is not propagated)
           cliptowhite (values near 255 where the deficit is not propagated)

    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


void thresholdTo2bppLow ( l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 *tab )


Low-level function for thresholding from 8 bpp (datas) to
2 bpp (datad), using thresholds implicitly defined through @tab,
a 256-entry lookup table that gives a 2-bit output value
for each possible input.

For each line, unroll the loop so that for each 32 bit src word,
representing four consecutive 8-bit pixels, we compose one byte
of output consisiting of four 2-bit pixels.


void thresholdTo4bppLow ( l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 *tab )


Low-level function for thresholding from 8 bpp (datas) to
4 bpp (datad), using thresholds implicitly defined through @tab,
a 256-entry lookup table that gives a 4-bit output value
for each possible input.

For each line, unroll the loop so that for each 32 bit src word,
representing four consecutive 8-bit pixels, we compose two bytes
of output consisiting of four 4-bit pixels.


void thresholdToBinaryLineLow ( l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 w, l_uint32 *lines, l_int32 d, l_int32 thresh )



void thresholdToBinaryLow ( l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 thresh )


If the source pixel is less than thresh,
the dest will be 1; otherwise, it will be 0


Zakariyya Mughal <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.