Image::JpegMinimal - create JPEG previews without headers
my $compressor = Image::JpegMinimal->new(
xmax => 42,
ymax => 42,
jpegquality => 20,
sub gen_img {
my @tags;
for my $file (@_) {
my $imager = Imager->new( file => $file );
my $preview = $compressor->data_preview( $file );
my ($w, $h ) = ($imager->getwidth,$imager->getheight);
my $html = <<HTML;
<img width="${w}px" height="${h}px"
push @tags, $html;
return @tags
# This goes into your HTML
print join "\n", gen_img(@ARGV);
# The headers accumulate in $compressor
my %headers = $compressor->headers;
# This goes into your Javascript
print $headers{l};
print $headers{p};
This module implements the ideas from to create the data needed for inline previews of images that can be served within the HTML page while keeping a low overhead of around 250 bytes per image preview. This is achieved by splitting up the preview image into a JPEG header which is common to all images and the JPEG image data. With a Javascript-enabled browser, these previews will be shown until the request for the real image has finished loading the data. This reduces the latency and bandwidth needed until the user sees an image.
It turns the following image

into 250 bytes of image data representing this image:

The Javascript on the client side then scales and blurs that preview image to create a very blurry placeholder until the real image data arrives from the server.

See below for the Javascript needed to reassemble the image data from the split header and scan data.
Image::JpegMinimal->new( %OPTIONS )
my $compressor = Image::JpegMinimal->new(
xmax => 42,
ymax => 42,
jpegquality => 20,
Creates a new compressor object. The xmax
and ymax
values give the maximum dimensions for the size of the preview image. It is suggested that the preview image is heavily blurred when presenting the preview image to the user to hide the JPEG artifacts.
my $data_preview = $compressor->data_preview( $file );
Reads the JPEG data from a file and returns a base64 encoded string of the reduced image data. You stuff this into the data-preview
attribute of the img
tag in your HTML.
my %headers = $compressor->headers;
After processing all files, this method returns the headers that are common to the images. You need to pass this to your Javascript.
Each image that has a pre-preview placeholder will need to store the placeholder data in the data-preview
attribute. That is all the modification you need. You should also set the width
and height
attributes of the image so that no ugly image-popping occurs when the real data arrives. The $payload64
is the data that is returned from the ->data_preview
<img width="${final_width}px" height="${final_height}px"
You will need to include some Javascript like the following in your page, preferrably near the end so the code runs right after the HTML has loaded completely but image loading has not yet fired.
The hash %headers
should be set to the base64 encoded fixed headers as returned by the ->headers( $file )
call. The image HTML should have been constructed as outlined above.
"use strict";
var header = {
l : atob("$headers{l}"),
h : atob("$headers{p}"),
function reconstruct(data) {
// Reconstruct a JPEG header from our special data structure
var raw = atob(data);
// Keep as "char" so we don't have to bother with Unicode vs. ASCII
var width = raw.charAt(0);
var height = raw.charAt(1);
var payload = raw.substring(2,raw.length);
var head;
if( width < height ) {
head = header["p"]
} else {
head = header["l"]
var dimension_patch = width+height;
var patched_header = head.substring(0,head.length-13)
+ width
+ head.substring(head.length-12,head.length-11)
+ height
+ head.substring(head.length-10,head.length);
var reconstructed = patched_header+payload;
var encoded = "data:image/jpeg;base64,"+btoa(reconstructed);
return encoded;
var image_it = document.evaluate("//img[\@data-preview]",document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var images = [];
var el = image_it.iterateNext();
while( el ) {
el = image_it.iterateNext();
for( var i = 0; i < images.length; i++ ) {
var el = images[ i ];
if( !el.complete || el.naturalWidth == 0 || el.naturalHeight == 0) {
var fullsrc = el.src;
var loadsrc = reconstruct( el.getAttribute("data-preview"));
var container = document.createElement('div'); = "hidden"; = "inline"; = "relative";
var parent = el.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(container, el);
// Set up the placeholder data
el.src = loadsrc; = "blur(8px)";
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.width = el.width;
img.height = el.height;
// Shouldn't we also copy the style and maybe even some events?!
// img = el.cloneNode(true); // except this doesn't copy the eventListeners etc. Duh.
(function(img,container,src) {
img.onload = function() {
// Put the loaded child in the place of the preloaded data
var timeout = 1000+Math.random()*3000;
// Kick off the loading
// The timeout is just for demonstration purposes
// window.setTimeout(function() {
img.src = src;
//}, timeout);
} else {
// Image has already been loaded (from cache), nothing to do here
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Max Maischein
Copyright 2015 by Max Maischein
This module is released under the same terms as Perl itself.