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Examples - Image::CCV example programs.


This is a documentation only module showing the examples that are included in the Image::CCV distribution.

This file was auto-generated via the program that is also included in the examples directory.

Example programs

The following is a list of the 3 example programs that are included in the Image::CCV distribution.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use List::Util qw(max);
use Imager;
use Imager::Fill;
use Image::CCV qw(detect_faces);

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.11';

=head1 NAME - create crop from image using the largest face area

=head1 SYNTAX filename.png filename.png -o thumb_filename.png scene.png -o faces_%03d.png

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item *

C<--output-file> - output file name

The output file name will be used as a template if more than one face
is detected. Supply a sprintf() template (in other words: include a %s). 

=item *

C<--width> - maximum width of the output image

=item *

C<--height> - maximum height of the output image

=item *

C<--scale> - scale factor for the output area around the face

Default is 1.5 which seems to usually capture the "whole face"
around the detected area.

=item *

C<--largest> - only output the largest face found

=item *

C<--draw-box> - draw a box around the detection area

=item *

C<--verbose> - output more information during progress



pod2usage(1) unless @ARGV;
    'output-file|o:s'        => \my $out_file,
    'width|w:s'  => \my $max_width,
    'height|h:s' => \my $max_height,
    'scale|s:s'  => \my $scale,
    'largest'    => \my $only_largest,
    'draw-box'   => \my $draw_box,
    'verbose'    => \my $verbose,
) or pod2usage();

$scale ||= 1.5; # default chosen by wild guess

for my $scene (@ARGV) {
    my @coords = detect_faces( $scene );
    if(! @coords) {
        die "No face found\n";

    if( $only_largest ) {
        # Now, find the largest face (area) in this image
        # We ignore the confidence value
        my $max = $coords[0];
        for (@coords) {
            if( $_->[2] * $_->[3] > $max->[2] * $max->[3] ) {
                $max = $_
        @coords = ($max);
    if( $verbose ) {
        print sprintf "%d Gesichter gefunden\n", 0+@coords;
    my $index = 1;
    for my $face (@coords) {
        if( $out_file ) {
            my $out = Imager->new( file => $scene );            
            my ($x,$y,$width,$height,$confidence) = @$face;
            if( $draw_box ) {
                my $color = Imager::Color->new( (1-$confidence/100) *255, $confidence/100 *255, 0 );
                # Draw a nice box
                    color => $color,
                    xmin => $x,
                    ymin => $y,
                    xmax => $x+$width,
                    ymax => $y+$height,
                    aa => 1,
            # Scale the frame a bit up
            my $w = $face->[2] * $scale;
            my $h = $face->[3] * $scale;
            my $l = max( 0, $face->[0] - $face->[2]*(($scale -1) / 2));
            my $t = max( 0, $face->[1] - $face->[3]*(($scale -1) / 2) );
            $out = $out->crop( 
                       left => $l, top => $t,
                       width => $w, height => $h
            if( $max_width || $max_height ) {
                $max_width  ||= $max_height;
                $max_height ||= $max_width;
                $out = $out->scale(
                    xpixels => $max_width,
                    ypixels => $max_height,
                    type => 'nonprop'
            my $out_name = sprintf $out_file, $index++;
            $out->write( file => $out_name )
                or die $out->errstr;
            print "$out_name\n";   
        } else {
            my ($x,$y,$width,$height,$confidence) = @$face;
            print "($x,$y): ${width}x$height @ $confidence\n";

Download this example:


use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Imager;
use Imager::Fill;
use Image::CCV qw(detect_faces);

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.11';

=head1 NAME - simple face detection

=head1 SYNTAX filename.png


    'd|draw:s' => \my $draw_file,
) or pod2usage();

for my $scene (@ARGV) {
    my @coords = detect_faces( $scene );

    if( $draw_file ) {
        my $out = Imager->new( file => $scene );

        for (@coords) {
            my ($x,$y,$width,$height,$confidence) = @$_;
            my $color = Imager::Color->new( (1-$confidence/100) *255, $confidence/100 *255, 0 );
            # Draw a nice box
                color => $color,
                xmin => $x,
                ymin => $y,
                xmax => $x+$width,
                ymax => $y+$height,
                aa => 1,

        $out->write( file => $draw_file )
            or die $out->errstr;
    } else {
        for (@coords) {
            my ($x,$y,$width,$height,$confidence) = @$_;
            print "($x,$y): ${width}x$height @ $confidence\n";

Download this example:


paste the two input images side by side $out->rubthrough( #!perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Imager; use Imager::Fill; use List::Util qw(max); use Image::CCV qw(sift);

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.11';


Command-line options are:

=over 2

=item *

C<--scene> - image of a scene to use

=item *

C<--object> - image of an object to use

=item *

C<--object> - filename of output file, defaults to out.png


pod2usage(1) unless @ARGV;
    'scene|s:s'   => \my $scene,
    'object|t:s'  => \my $object, # t=thing
    'output|o:s'  => \my $output,
) or pod2usage();

die "scene image-file: $scene not found!" unless -f $scene;
die "object image-file: $object not found!" unless -f $object;

$output ||= 'out.png';
print "output file: $output \n";

my @coords = sift( $object, $scene, );
print "@$_\n" for @coords;

my $scene_image = Imager->new( file => $scene );
my $object_image = Imager->new( file => $object );

my $xsize = $scene_image->getwidth + $object_image->getwidth;
my $ysize = max( $scene_image->getheight, $object_image->getheight);

my $out = Imager->new(
    xsize => $xsize,
    ysize => $ysize,

# paste the two input images side by side
    src => $scene_image,
    tx => 0, ty => 0,
    src_minx => 0,
    src_maxx => $scene_image->getwidth-1,
    src_miny => 0,
    src_maxy => $scene_image->getheight-1,

my $obj_ofs_x = $scene_image->getwidth;
my $obj_ofs_y = 0;

    src => $object_image,
    tx => $obj_ofs_x, ty => $obj_ofs_y,
    src_minx => 0,
    src_maxx => $object_image->getwidth-1,
    src_miny => 0,
    src_maxy => $object_image->getheight-1,

my @points = @coords;

my $green = Imager::Color->new( 0, 255, 0 );
for (@points) {
        color => $green,
        x1 => $_->[0]+$obj_ofs_x,
        y1 => $_->[1]+$obj_ofs_y,
        x2 => $_->[2],
        y2 => $_->[3],

$out->write( file => $output )
    or die $out->errstr;

Download this example:


Max Maischein

Contributed examples contain the original author's name.


Copyright 2012 by Max Maischein

All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.