HTML::TreeStructured - Perl extension for generating tree structured HTML


use HTML::TreeStructured;

### Describe tree via collection of Node and its properties

### Method 1: Via ArrayRef
### Node can be a string or '/' concatenated strings to show ancestry
### Properties are name/value pairs

my $tree1 = [
	['/aaa', 	color => 'green'],
	['/aaa/bbb'	mouseover => 'This is addl info'],
	['/aaa/ccc',	color => 'red', active => 0]

### Method 2: Via Hashref

my $tree2 = {
	aaa => {
		color => 'green',
		bbb   => {
			mouseover => 'This is addl info',
		ccc   => {
			color	=> 'red',
			active	=> 0,

Interpreted Node Properties:

color		= Color of the node name
mouseover	= Mouse Over text for the node (Info image is displayed next to node)
active		= 0 would cause strike thru on node
highlight	= color code used for marker highlight of node
url		= URL to hyperlink the node
tooltip		= popup when mouse is over the link (together with url) (See HTML::Tooltip::Javascript)
closed		= 1 if node be closed on default display (default, all nodes are open)
comment		= Text to display next to node in bold
weight		= A numeric value on node which will be used for sorting node position in at sibling level
		  (Default, nodes are sorted in ascending order per dictionary order)

### Now get HTML equivalent for the tree
### The associated JavaScript for nodes close/open and ExpandAll/CollapseAll is generated alongside

$tree_html = HTML::TreeStructured->new(
	name         => 'tree_name',
	image_path   => '/images/',
	data         => $tree1,
	title        => "My Tree",
	title_width  => 300,
	level        => {},     ### If scalar, close BEYOND this depth. Depth start at 0.
				### If Hash, close for depths specified in keys

### The same module can be used to generate FAQ - see "examples/faq.cgi"


Ramana Mokkapati, <> 10 May 2004

I have been using HTML tables for structuring HTML presentation. After seeing HTML::PopupTreeSelect from Sam Tregar <> I liked the idea of stylesheets to indent HTML and adapted the same.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.