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HTML::FromANSI::Tiny - Easily convert colored command line output to HTML


version 0.107


use HTML::FromANSI::Tiny;
my $h = HTML::FromANSI::Tiny->new(
  auto_reverse => 1, background => 'white', foreground => 'black',

# output from some command
my $output = "\e[31mfoo\033[1;32mbar\033[0m";

# include the default styles if you don't want to define your own:
print $h->style_tag(); # or just $h->css() to insert into your own stylesheet

print $h->html($output);
# prints '<span class="red">foo</span><span class="bold green">bar</span>'


Convert the output from a terminal command that is decorated with ANSI escape sequences into customizable HTML (with a small amount of code).

This module complements Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny by providing a simple HTML markup around its output.

Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny returns a data structure that's easy to reformat into any desired output. Reformatting to HTML seemed simple and common enough to warrant this module as well.




Takes a hash or hash ref of options:

  • ansi_parser - Instance of Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny; One will be created automatically, but you can provide one if you want to configure it.

  • class_prefix - String to prefix class names; Blank by default for brevity. See "html".

  • html_encode - Code ref that should encode HTML entities; See "html_encode".

  • inline_style - Boolean to toggle using inline style="" attributes instead of class="" attributes.

  • no_plain_tags - Boolean for omitting the tag when the text has no style attributes; Defaults to false for consistency.

  • selector_prefix - String to prefix each css selector; Blank by default. See "css".

  • styles - Tree of hashrefs for customizing style output (for <style> tags or inline_style). See "CUSTOM STYLES".

  • tag - Alternate tag in which to wrap the HTML; Defaults to span.

For convenience and consistency options to "new" in Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny can be specified directly including auto_reverse, background, foreground, and remove_escapes.


Returns the Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny instance in use. Creates one if necessary.


Takes an ANSI attribute name such as 'red' or 'bold' and returns the corresponding class name.

This allows subclasses to override the class names used. This can be useful for utilizing pre-existing CSS definitions (such as mapping 'red' to 'text-danger').

The default returns the string provided.

$hfat->attr_to_class('red'); # default returns 'red'


my $css = $hfat->css();

Returns basic CSS code for inclusion into a <style> tag. You can use this if you don't want to style everything yourself or if you want something to start with.

It produces code like this:

.bold { font-weight: bold; }
.red { color: #f33; }

It will include the class_prefix and/or selector_prefix if you've set either:

  # with {class_prefix => 'term-'}
.term-bold { font-weight: bold; }

  # with {selector_prefix => '#output '}
#output .bold { font-weight: bold; }

  # with {selector_prefix => '#output ', class_prefix => 'term-'}
#output .term-bold { font-weight: bold; }

Returns a list of styles or a concatenated string depending on context.

I tried to choose default colors that are close to traditional terminal colors but also fairly legible on black or white.

Overwrite style to taste.

Note: There is no default style for reverse as CSS does not provide a simple mechanism for this. I suggest you use auto_reverse and set background and foreground to appropriate colors if you expect to process reverse sequences. See "process_reverse" in Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny for more information.


my $html = $hfat->html($text);
my @html_tags = $hfat->html($text);

Wraps the provided $text in HTML using tag for the HTML tag name and prefixing each attribute with class_prefix. For example:

# defaults:
qq[<span class="red bold">foo</span>]

# {tag => 'bar', class_prefix => 'baz-'}
qq[<bar class="baz-red baz-bold">foo</bar>]

$text may be a string marked with ANSI escape sequences or the array ref output of Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny if you already have that.

In list context returns a list of HTML tags.

In scalar context returns a single string of concatenated HTML.


my $html = $hfat->html_encode($text);

Encodes the text with HTML character entities. so it can be inserted into HTML tags.

This is used internally by "html" to encode the contents of each tag.

By default the encode_entities function of HTML::Entities is used.

You may provide an alternate subroutine (code ref) to the constructor as the html_encode parameter in which case that sub will be used instead. This allows you to set different options or use the HTML entity encoder provided by your framework:

my $hfat = HTML::FromANSI::Tiny->new(html_encode => sub { $app->h(shift) });

The code ref provided should take the first argument as the text to process and return the encoded result.


Returns the output of "css" wrapped in a <style> tag.

Returns a list or a concatenated string depending on context.



Function wrapped around "html".


Everything listed in "FUNCTIONS" is also available for export upon request.


To override the styles output in the "style_tag" or "css" methods (or the attributes when inline_style is used) pass to the constructor a tree of hashrefs as the styles attribute:

styles => {
  underline => {
    'text-decoration'  => 'underline',
    'text-shadow'      => '0 2px 2px black',
  red => {
    'color'            => '#f00'
  on_bright_green => {
    'background-color' => '#060',

Any styles that are not overridden will get the defaults.


HTML::FromANSI is a bit antiquated (as of v2.03 released in 2007). It uses font tags and the style attribute and isn't very customizable.

It uses Term::VT102 which is probably more robust than Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny but may be overkill for simple situations. I've also had trouble installing it in the past.

For many simple situations this module combined with Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny is likely sufficient and is considerably smaller.




You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc HTML::FromANSI::Tiny


The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always, in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources.

Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to bug-html-fromansi-tiny at, or through the web interface at You will be automatically notified of any progress on the request by the system.

Source Code

git clone


Randy Stauner <>


Stephen Thirlwall <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Randy Stauner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.