HTML::FormValidator::Filters - Basic set of filters available in an HTML::FormValidor profile.
In an HTML::Empberl page:
use HTML::FormValidator;
my $validator = new HTML::FormValidator( "/home/user/" );
my ( $valid, $missing, $invalid, $unknown ) = $validator->validate( \%fdat, "customer_infos" );
These are the builtin filters which may be specified as name in the filters and field_filters parameters of the input profile.
- trim
Remove white space at the front and end of the fields.
- strip
Runs of white space are replaced by a single space.
- digit
Remove non digits characters from the input.
- alphanum
Remove non alphanumerical characters from the input.
- integer
Extract from its input a valid integer number.
- pos_integer
Extract from its input a valid positive integer number.
- pos_integer
Extract from its input a valid negative integer number.
- decimal
Extract from its input a valid decimal number.
- pos_decimal
Extract from its input a valid positive decimal number.
- neg_decimal
Extract from its input a valid negative decimal number.
- dollars
Extract from its input a valid number to express dollars like currency.
- phone
Filters out characters which aren't valid for an phone number. (Only accept digits [0-9], space, comma, minus, parenthesis, period and pound [#].)
- sql_wildcard
Transforms shell glob wildcard (*) to the SQL like wildcard (%).
- quotemeta
Calls the quotemeta (quote non alphanumeric character) builtin on its input.
- lc
Calls the lc (convert to lowercase) builtin on its input.
- uc
Calls the uc (convert to uppercase) builtin on its input.
- ucfirst
Calls the ucfirst (Uppercase first letter) builtin on its input.
HTML::FormValidator(3) HTML::FormValidator::Constraints(3)
Francis J. Lacoste <francis.lacoste@iNsu.COM>
Copyright (c) 1999,2000 iNsu Innovations Inc. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms as perl itself.