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Graphics::HotMap -- generate thermographic images.


   use Graphics::HotMap;

   # Create a new HotMap
   my $hotMap = Graphics::HotMap->new(
         minValue => 1,
         maxValue => 50, 

   # Define scale

   # Show legend

   # Show CrossMarks and values

   # Define a new size
   $hotMap->mapSize({ sizeX => 15, sizeY => 15 }); 

   # Add time
   $hotMap->addHorodatage(time, 15, 30);

   # Add layer
   $hotMap->addLayer({ layerName => '10_back', visibility => 1, sliceColor => 1 }); 

   # Add a zone
         zoneName => 'AllMap',
         layerName => '10_back',
         coordonates => [0,0,14,14],
         border => 1,
   # And add some points
   $hotMap->addPoint({ layerName => '10_back', x => 2, y => 2,  value => 15 });
   $hotMap->addPoint({ layerName => '10_back', x => 1, y => 6,  value => 5  });
   $hotMap->addPoint({ layerName => '10_back', x => 9, y => 13, value => 25 });
   $hotMap->addLayer({ layerName => '20_inner' });

   # Add a zone
         zoneName => 'innerZone',
         layerName => '20_inner',
         coordonates => [4,0,9,6],
         border => 1,
         text => 'Inner Zone',

   # And some points
   $hotMap->addPoint({ layerName => '20_inner', x => 5, y => 1, value => 1 });
   $hotMap->addPoint({ layerName => '20_inner', x => 6, y => 5, value => 9 });

   # You can also prepare conf as a Hash, ...
   my %other = (
      layers => {
         '30_anotherLayer' => {
            visibility  => 0,
            sliceColors => 1,
         '40_anotherLayer' => {
            visibility  => 0,
            sliceColors => 0,
      zones => {
         anotherZone => {
            layerName => '30_anotherLayer',
            coordonates => [7,4,10,9],
            border => 1,
            text => 'other layer',
            textSize => 8,
            textColor => 'magenta',
         zoneA => {
            layerName => '40_anotherLayer',
            coordonates => [0,10,1,12],
            border => 1,
            text => 'black',
            textSize => 8,
            textColor => 'white',
         zoneB => {
            layerName => '40_anotherLayer',
            coordonates => [1,10,2,12],
            border => 1,
            text => 'blue',
            textSize => 8,
            textColor => 'white',
         zoneC => {
            layerName => '40_anotherLayer',
            coordonates => [2,10,3,12],
            border => 1,
            text => 'green',
            textSize => 8,
            textColor => 'white',
         zoneD => {
            layerName => '40_anotherLayer',
            coordonates => [3,10,4,12],
            border => 1,
            text => 'cyan',
            textSize => 8,
            textColor => 'white',
      points => {
         '30_anotherLayer' => [
         '10_back' => [
         '40_anotherLayer' => [

   # ..., and import/add it

   # Run the interpolation and generate and image

   # Save the image a a PNG file

   # print the text representation of the map
   print $hotMap->toString('floor') if $hotMap->scale < 3;


Generate thermographic images from a few know points. Others values are interpolated. Graphics::HotMap use PDL to work on matrix. PDL can compute very very large matrix in a few seconds.




Construct and return a new HotMap Object;

      outfileGif        => <File path>, # file to write GIF
      outfilePng        => <File path>, # file to write PNG
      legend            => [0|1],       # activate lengend
      legendNbGrad      => <number>,    # Number a graduation
      cross             => <bool>,      # activate crossing of known values
      crossValues       => <bool>,      # activate values printing whith cross
      minValue          => <number>,    # minimum value
      maxValue          => <number>,    # maximum value
      font              => <path to font file>,
      fontSize          => <number>,    # font size
      scale             => <number>,    # scale values and coordonates
      sizeX             => <number>,    # X size
      sizeY             => <number>,    # Y size
   my $hotMap = Graphics::HotMap->new(
      sizeX    => 10, 
      sizeY    => 10, 
      minValue => 1,
      maxvalue => 50,

Reset all know points.


Set or Return mapSize

   $hotMap->mapSize({sizeX => 15, sizeY => 15}); # Set map size
   @size = $hotMap->mapSize; # Return the actual map size

Set or Return current scale factor.

   $scale = hotMap->scale;

Define a new Layer to store values.

Layers are parsed by alphabetical order.

* visibility (default: 1) : allow crossMarks to be displayed for this layer.

* sliceColor (default: 1) : colors are looked up in the gradient. If set to 0, values between 0 to 16 are fixed colors (LUT).

   $hotMap->addLayer({ layerName => 'Layer1' });
   $hotMap->addLayer({ layerName => 'Layer2', visibility => 1, sliceColor => 1 });

Define a new zone to interpolate over a layer.

      zoneName => 'AllMap',      # zone name
      layerName => 'Layer1',     # layer from which zone belongs
      coordonates => [0,0,9,9],  # coordonates [startX, startY, endX, endY]
      border => 1,               # border color (LUT) or undef for none
      text => "your text",       # 
      textSize => 10,            # 
      textColor => 'red',        # 
      noScale = 0,               # if true, coordonates will not be auto-scaled

Add a know point to a zone. Zone should first be declared with addZone.

      layerName   => 'AllMap',
      x           => 7,
      y           => 8,
      value       => 25,
      noScale     => 0,
addHorodatage($timestamp, $x, $y)

Timestamp on the image.

   $hotMap->addHorodatage(time, 10, 10);
   $hotMap->addHorodatage(1269122338, 10, 10);

Add text on the image.

      text        => "your text",
      x           => $x,
      y           => $y,
      font        => <path to font file>
      pointsize   => 10,
      fill        => 'black',
      align       => '[left|center|right],

Add Layers/Zones/Point from a hash config.

   my %other = (
      layers => {
         '30_anotherLayer' => {
            visibility  => 0,
            sliceColors => 1,
      zones => {
         anotherZone => {
            layerName => '30_anotherLayer',
            coordonates => [7,4,10,9],
            border => 1,
            text => 'other layer',
            textSize => 8,
            textColor => 'magenta',
      points => {
         '30_anotherLayer' => [

Return a point value at coordonate x/y. Without a zone name, it returns a point from the interpolated table. With zone name, it returns a point from that zone.

   $hotMap->getPoint(6, 2, 'Zone1')
   $hotMap->getPoint(6, 2)

Fusion the second layer to the first one.

   $hotMap->fusionLayers('AllMap', 'Zone1');

Return all values from a layer.

   my $piddleVal = $hotMap->getLayer('AllMap');

Define all values from a layer.

   $hotMap->setLayer('AllMap', $piddleVal);

Convert the interpolated table to text. The parameter 'floor' can be added to return rounded values.

   print $hotMap->toString('floor');
    [ 1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
    [ 1 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15  1]
    [ 1 14 15 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15  1]
    [ 1 13 14 13 13 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15  1]
    [ 1  9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 16  1]
    [ 1  6  7  8 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17  1]
    [ 1  5  5  7  9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17  1]
    [ 1  5  6  7  9 11 13 14 16 17 17 18 18 18  1]
    [ 1  6  7  8 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 19 19  1]
    [ 1  8  8 10 11 14 16 18 19 20 21 21 20 20  1]
    [ 1  9 10 11 13 16 18 20 21 22 22 22 21 21  1]
    [ 1 11 12 13 15 17 20 22 23 23 23 23 22 22  1]
    [ 1 12 13 15 17 19 21 23 24 24 24 24 23 22  1]
    [ 1 13 15 16 18 20 22 23 24 25 24 24 23 22  1]
    [ 1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]

Set or Return legend status. When enabled, the legend gradient will be drawn on the image.


Set or Return cross marks status. When enabled, a cross will be drawn on the image where points have been defined.

Set the gradient.

Parameter must be an array of RGB array.

See Math::Gradient::multi_array_gradient()


Calculate the interpolation of all Zones.

This function will write image to disk.


Write a PNG image from the interpolated table.


Add a GIF image to the annimation from the interpolated table.






Mathieu Alorent (