

Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined element mutateLabel from the namespace

Adds labels to the {@linkplain Campaign campaign} or removes {@linkplain Label label}s from the {@linkplain Campaign campaign}. <p>Add - Apply an existing label to an existing {@linkplain Campaign campaign}. The {@code campaignId} must reference an existing {@linkplain Campaign}. The {@code labelId} must reference an existing {@linkplain Label label}. <p>Remove - Removes the link between the specified {@linkplain Campaign campaign} and {@linkplain Label label}. @param operations the operations to apply. @return a list of {@linkplain CampaignLabel}s where each entry in the list is the result of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add operation, the returned CampaignLabel contains the CampaignId and the LabelId. In the case of a remove operation, the returned CampaignLabel will only have CampaignId. @throws ApiException when there are one or more errors with the request.


The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY methods:

  • operations




my $element = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignService::mutateLabel->new($data);

Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():

  operations =>  $a_reference_to, # see Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignLabelOperation


Generated by SOAP::WSDL