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Gideon - Data mapper for Moose classes an objects


version 0.0.3


Gideon's goal is to build a data access layer for your model and let you focus on business logic. It's designed to support multiple backends and to be extended to support other features not provided with the distribution.

Gideon is built on top of Moose and depends on the Class::MOP to automagically build the data access interface for your objects

Getting Started

The best place to start is the Gideon::Manual, also by looking at some of the examples included in the distribution


Gideon = Data mapper for Moose classes an objects


version 0.0.3


package Customer;
use Gideon driver => 'DBI';

has id => ( 
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Num', 
    traits      => [ 'Gideon::DBI::Column' ],
    primary_key => 1

has name => ( 
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Str', 
    traits      => [ 'Gideon::DBI::Column' ],


package main;
use DBI;
use Gideon::Registry

# Start-up code
my $dbh = DBI->connect(...);
Gideon::Registry->register_store( mydb => $dbh );

# Application code
my $first_customer = Customer->find_one( id => 1);
my @all_custoemrs = Customer->find();


This software is under heavy development, things may be broken and APIs may change in the future until we reach v1.0.0


The following list is some of the benefits that Gideon provides

Simple to use and setup
Multi-Backend support
Cache support
Simple interface for your objects
Extensible via plug-ins


Once an object is setup to use Gideon the following methods are added: find, find_one, save, remove and update. Consumer of that class and/or object use that interface to operate with your data store.

find( %opts )

Used to find records matching a particular criteria expressed by the %opts, please refer to Gideon::Manual::Finding to know more about the options.

my @new_hires = Employee->find( started_at => { '>' => $last_moth } );

# ... or ...
my $new_hires = Employee->find( started_at => { '>' => $last_moth } );
# This returns a Gideon::ResultSet and will not be retrieved until needed

find_one( %opts )

Similar to find but only returns one record, this becomes handy, for example, when retrieving an object by it's id.

my $first_employee = Employee->find_one( id => 1 );


Save can be used to insert newly created object into the data store or to update an specific record in the data store. For further details refer to Gideon::Manual::Creating

# Inserts a record
my $new_emp = Employee->new( name => 'John', started_at => DateTime->now);

# Updates a record
my $emp = Employee->find_one( id => 3 );


Remove can be used to remove an individual record (called on an instance) or to remove a group of records (called on a class). Please refer to Gideon::Manual::Removing before using this method and make sure you understand the differences when called into different contexts

# Removing one record
my $fist_employee = Employee->find_one( id => 1);

# Removing all records

# Removing all records with filter
Employee->remove( id => { '>' => 10 });


Update can be used to update an individual record (called on an instance) or to update a group of records (called on a class). Please refer to Gideon::Manual::Updating before using this method and make sure you understand the differences when called into different contexts

# Update one record
Employee->find_one( id => 1)->update( name => 'John Doe');

# Update all records
Employee->update( name => 'John Doe' );

Getting Help

You can get help at #gideon on irc://


Mariano Wahlmann, Gines Razanov


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Mariano Wahlmann, Gines Razanov.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.