Getopt::Fancy - Object approach to handling command line options, focusing on end user happiness
use Getopt::Fancy;
my $opts = Getopt::Fancy->new();
$opts->add("db", GT => "=s",
EX => "<db_name>",
DESC => "The database to dump. Leave unset for all databases.",
DEF => "teen_titans",
ALLOWED => ["--all-databases", "mydb", "teen_titans"],
REGEX => '^[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+$',
REQ => 0,
SECTION => "Required DB Params");
# Allow just printing out of set options
$opts->add("check_args", DESC => "Just print all the options", SECTION => "Misc Params");
# Allow user to specify list of options s/he needs help with
$opts->add("help", GT => ":s@", EX => "[option1,option2..]",
DESC => "Give option names and it'll print the help for just those options, otherwise all.",
SECTION=>"Misc Params", COMMAS=>1);
# Get the command line options
my $error_msg = $opts->get_options();
print_usage($error_msg) if $error_msg;
print "Will dump this database: $opts->{db} \n";
print "User wants help information on these: " . join(", ", @{$opts->{help}}) . "\n" if ($opts->{help});
# Copy the options to a hash
my %opts_hash = %{$opts};
print "This is my copy of db: $opts_hash{db}\n";
print_usage() if $opts->{help};
print_args() if $opts->{check_args};
sub print_args
print $opts->get_values();
sub print_usage
my $hopts;
my $msg = shift;
$hopts = $opts->{help} unless (scalar @{$opts->{help}} == 0);
print "usage: $0 <REQUIRED_ARGS> <OPTIONAL_ARGS>\n";
print $opts->get_usage($hopts);
print "ERROR: $msg\n" if $msg;
Allows command line options to be all in one place in your script including default values, allowed values, user-friendly descriptions, required flags and pattern matching requirements. Ofttimes script writers skimp on the usage information or have out-dated help information. This modules helps script writers to be better citizens.
This module uses Getopt::Long, so the same rules apply.
my $opts = GetOpt::Fancy->new()
Construct a new object.
$opts->add($opt_name, %config)
is where you specify the command line options you want to accept and the configuration for each.$opts->add("hostname", GT => "=s", EX => "<my_hostname>", DESC => "The hostname to connect to to do whatever.", DEF => "batcomputer", REGEX => '^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.]+$', SECTION => "Connection Params");
The possible config values are ...
GT - The Getopts type specification (=i, :s, =s@, etc)
DEF - The default value for this option if the user running your script doesn't give one. If the option is multivalued, pass in a reference to an array of values.
REQ - A flag (1 or 0) denoting if this option is required. (You can just leave this out if it's 0)
REGEX - A regular expression the value must match.
ALLOWED - A reference to an array of allowed values. This allows you to restrict the set.
COMMAS - A flag (1 or 0) denoting if this multivalued option should allow comma separated values. This only applies to options that have a "@" in their GT (=s@, etc). If this is set, the user of your script can specify multiple values by just doing something like: -colors red,green,blue
EX - A human readable example value for the user of your script that is printed during -help
DESC - A human readable description of the option for the user of your script that is printed during -help
SECTION - A human readable section header for the user of your script that is printed during -help. This allows you to group similar options together
Call this when it's time to read and parse the command line options. It will return a human readable string describing to the end user what they did wrong. If all is well, returns undef.
After you call this, you can then treat $opts as a hash ref: $opts->{my_option}
Returns a pretty, printable string of all the possible options, example values, descriptions, allowed values and default values, grouped by SECTION. If a reference to an array of option names is passed in, only usage information for those options is included.
Returns a pretty, printable string of all the options and currently set values.
The object pretends to be a hash ref, so if you want values themselves, just do:
Returns the human readable error string describing the error during the options handling. This string is also returned after
Copyright 2006 by Robert Powers, all rights reserved. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2006, Robert Powers <>