GenOO::Data::File::BED::Record - Object representing a record of a bed file
# Object representing a record of a bed file
# To initialize
my $record = GenOO::Data::File::BED::Record->new({
rname => undef,
start => undef,
stop_1based => undef,
name => undef,
score => undef,
strand_symbol => undef,
thick_start => undef,
thick_stop_1based => undef,
rgb => undef,
block_count => undef,
block_sizes => undef,
block_starts => undef,
copy_number => undef,
This object represents a record of a bed file and offers methods for accessing the different attributes.
It implements several additional methods that transform original attributes in more manageable attributes.
# Return strand
my $strand = $record->strand; # -1
my $strand_symbol = $record->strand_symbol; # -
# Return stop position
my $stop = $record->stop; #10
my $stop_1based = $record->stop_1based; #11
# Return location
my $location = $record->location;