Games::Roguelike::Item - Roguelike item object


 package myItem;
 use base 'Games::Roguelike::Item';

 $i = myItem->new($area, sym=>'!', x=>5,y=>6);	    # creates an item at location 5, 6 
						    # with symbol '!', inside area $area


Item object used by drawing routines in Roguelke::Area


new($container, %opts)

$container is usually an "area" or "mob" or another "item" object.

At a minimum, it must support the additem and delitem methods.

The "new" method automatically calls additem on the container.

Options include:

sym	: symbol this item is drawn with
color	: color this item is drawn with
x	: map location of item
y 	: map location of item

Other options are saved in the hash as "user defined" options.


Return the item's x/y members only if the item is in an ::Area object,

Otherwise, return the container's x and y members.

Direct access to the $item->{x}/{y} members is encouraged if you don't care how it's contained.


Sets the container for an item, returns 0 if it's already contained within that continer.

Dies if the container has no {items} list (ie: can't contain things)

** Should only ever be called** - by the container's "additem" method, and - only if the container is derived from ::Area, ::Mob or ::Item.

(This can & will be made generic at some point)

additem (item)

Add item to reside within me. Override this to make backpacks, etc.

Return value 0 = can't add, too full/or not a backpack Return value 1 = add ok Return value -1 = move occured, but not added

Default implementation is to return "0", cannot add.

delitem (item)

Deletes item from within me. Override this to make backpacks, etc.

