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File::Tail::Scribe - Monitor and send the tail of files to a Scribe logging system.


use File::Tail::Scribe;

my $log = File::Tail::Scribe->new(
  directories => $args{dirs},
  msg_filter => sub {
      my ($self, $filename, $line) = @_;
      return ('info', 'httpd', "$filename\t$line");



Basically this module connects File::Tail::Dir to Log::Dispatch::Scribe.

It monitors files in a given directory (or set of directories), such as Apache log files in /var/log/httpd, and as the log files are written to, takes the changes and sends them to a running instance of the Scribe logging system.


The Scribe and Thrift Perl modules from their respective source distributions are required and not available as CPAN dependencies. Further information is available here: <>



$tailer = File::Tail::Scribe->new(%options);

Creates a new instance. Options are:

  • directories, filter, exclude, follow_symlinks, sleep_interval, statefilename, no_init, max_age

    See the equivalent options in File::Tail::Dir: "directories" in File::Tail::Dir, "filter" in File::Tail::Dir, "exclude" in File::Tail::Dir, "follow_symlinks" in File::Tail::Dir, "sleep_interval" in File::Tail::Dir, "statefilename" in File::Tail::Dir, "no_init" in File::Tail::Dir, "max_age" in File::Tail::Dir.

  • scribe_options

    This is a hash containing all of the options to pass to <Log::Dispatch::Scribe/new>.

  • msg_filter

    An optional coderef that can be used to preprocess messages before they are sent to Scribe. The code is passed ($self, $filename, $line), i.e. the File::Tail::Scribe instance, the filename of the file that changed, and the line of text that was added. It must return ($level, $category, $message), i.e. the log level (info, debug etc), the Scribe category, and the log line that will be sent to Scribe. An example:

    msg_filter => sub {
      my $self = shift;
      my $filename = shift;
      my $line = shift;
      $filename =~ s{^.*/}{};		      # remove leading dirs
      $filename =~ s{\.[^.]*$}{};               # remove extension
      $filename ||= 'default';                  # in case everything gets removed
      return ('info', 'httpd', "$filename\t$line");

    If no msg_filter is provided, the log level is given by default_level, the category is the filename after removing leading paths and filename extensions, and the message is the log line as given.

  • default_level

    Default logging level. May be set to any valid Log::Dispatch level (debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency). Defaults to 'info'.


File::Tail::Scribe provides the same methods as File::Tail::Dir, plus the following:



Jon Schutz, <jon at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-file-tail-scribe at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc File::Tail::Scribe

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2010 Jon Schutz, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.