FFmpeg::Command - A wrapper class for ffmpeg/avconv command line utility.
A simple interface for using ffmpeg command line utility with fallback to use the newer avconv utility if ffmpeg is not installed.
use FFmpeg::Command;
my $ffmpeg = FFmpeg::Command->new('/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg');
# Set timeout
# ga: global option a, gb: global option b
# ia: infile option a, ib: infile option b
# oa: outfile option a, ob: outfile option b
# ffmpeg -y -ga -gb -ia -ib -i filename1 -oa -ob output_file
$ffmpeg->global_options(qw/-ga -gb/);
$ffmpeg->infile_options(qw/-ia -ib/);
$ffmpeg->outfile_options(qw/-oa -ob/);
my $result = $ffmpeg->exec();
croak $ffmpeg->errstr unless $result;
# ffmpeg -y -i filename1 -ga -gb -ia -ib -oa -ob output_file
$ffmpeg->options(qw/-ga -gb -ia -ib -oa -ob/);
# ffmpeg -y -ga -gb -ia -ib -i filename1 -ia -ib -i filename2 -oa -ob output_file
# Infile options are adopted for every input files
$ffmpeg->global_options(qw/-ga -gb/);
$ffmpeg->infile_options(qw/-ia -ib/);
$ffmpeg->outfile_options(qw/-oa -ob/);
# ffmpeg -y -ga -gb -ia1 -ib1 -i filename1 -ia2 -ib2 -i filename2 -oa -ob output_file
# Each input file has different infile options
$ffmpeg->options(qw/-ga -gb -ia1 -ib1 -i filename1 -ia2 -ib2 -i filename2 -oa -ob output_file/);
# This sample code takes a screen shot.
'-f' => 'image2',
'-pix_fmt' => 'jpg',
'-vframes' => 1,
'-ss' => 30,
'-s' => '320x240',
# Below are old style example(may be obsoleted at future release)
file => $input_file,
# Convert a video file into iPod playable format.
file => $output_file,
device => 'ipod',
# This is same as above.
file => $output_file,
format => 'mp4',
video_codec => 'mpeg4',
bitrate => 600,
frame_size => '320x240',
audio_codec => 'libaac',
audio_sampling_rate => 48000,
audio_bit_rate => 64,
# Convert a video file into PSP playable format.
file => $output_file,
device => 'psp',
# This is same as above.
file => $output_file,
format => 'psp',
video_codec => 'mpeg4',
bitrate => 600,
frame_size => '320x240',
audio_codec => 'libaac',
audio_sampling_rate => 48000,
audio_bit_rate => 64,
Contructs FFmpeg::Command object.It takes a path of ffmpeg command. You can omit this argument and this module searches ffmpeg command within PATH environment variable.
Set command timeout.Default is 0.
input_file( @files );
Specify names of input file(s).
Specify output file name.
global_options( @options )
Specify ffmpeg global options.
infile_options( @options )
Specify ffmpeg infile options.
outfile_options( @options )
Specify ffmpeg outfile options.
options( @options )
Specify ffmpeg command options directly including input files and and output file.
Executes ffmpeg command with specified options.
An alias of execute()
Get ffmpeg command output to stdout.
Get ffmpeg command output to stderr.
input_options({ %options })
Specify input file name and input options.(Now no options are available.)
- file
a file name of input file or an anonymous list of multiple input files (useful for merging audio and video files together).
output_options({ %options })
Specify output file name and output options.
Avaiable options are:
- file
a file name of output file.
- format
Output video format.
- video_codec
Output video codec.
- bitrate
Output video bitrate.
- frame_size
Output video screen size.
- audio_codec
Output audio code.
- audio_sampling_rate
Output audio sampling rate.
- audio_bit_rate
Output audio bit rate.
- title
Set the title.
Set the author.
- comment
Set the comment.
Gosuke Miyashita, <gosukenator at>
Munechika Sumikawa, <sumikawa at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ffmpeg-command at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc FFmpeg::Command
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Copyright 2006 Gosuke Miyashita, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.