Elive::Entity::Meeting - Elluminate Meeting instance class
This is the main entity class for meetings.
Note: the insert()
and update()
methods are depreciated. For alternatives, please see Elive::Entity::Session.
my $start = time() + 15 * 60; # starts in 15 minutes
my $end = $start + 30 * 60; # runs for half an hour
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->insert({
name => 'Test Meeting',
facilitatorId => Elive->login,
start => $start . '000',
end => $end . '000',
password => 'secret!',
privateMeeting => 1,
restrictedMeeting => 1,
seats => 42,
# Set the meeting participants
my $participant_list = $meeting->participant_list;
$participant_list->participants([$smith->userId, $jones->userId]);
A series of meetings can be created using the recurrenceCount
and recurrenceDays
# create three weekly meetings
my @meetings = Elive::Entity::Meeting->insert({
recurrenceCount => 3,
recurrenceDays => 7,
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->update({
start => hires-date,
end => hires-date,
name => string,
password => string,
seats => int,
privateMeeting => 0|1,
restrictedMeeting => 0|1,
timeZone => string
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->retrieve($meeting_id);
Delete the meeting.
- Meeting recordings are not deleted.
If you also want to remove the associated recordings, you'll need to delete them yourself, E.g.:
my $recordings = $meeting->list_recordings; foreach my $recording (@$recordings) { $recording->delete; } $meeting->delete;
- Recently deleted meetings may remain retrievable, but with the deleted property to true.
Meetings, Meeting Parameters, Server Parameters and recordings may remain accessible via the SOAP interface for a short period of time until they are garbage collected by ELM.
You'll may need to check for deleted meetings:
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->retrieve($meeting_id); if ($meeting && ! $meeting->deleted) { # ... }
or filter them out when listing meetings:
my $live_meetings = Elive::Entity::Meeting->list(filter => 'deleted = false');
Lists all meetings for which this user is a participant, over a given date range.
For example, to list all meetings for a particular user over the next week:
my $now = DateTime->now;
my $next_week = $now->clone->add(days => 7);
my $meetings = Elive::Entity::Meeting->list_user_meetings_by_date(
{userId => $user_id,
startDate => $now->epoch.'000',
endDate => $next_week->epoch.'000'}
my $preload = Elive::Entity::Preload->upload( 'c:\tmp\intro.wbd');
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->retrieve($meeting_id);
Associates a preload with the given meeting-Id, or meeting object.
my $ok = $meeting_obj->check_preload($preload);
Checks that the preload is associated with this meeting.
my $ok = $meeting_obj->is_participant($user);
Checks that the user is a meeting participant.
my $ok = $meeting_obj->is_moderator($user);
Checks that the user is a meeting moderator.
$preload_obj->delete; # if you don't want it to hang around
Disassociate a preload from a meeting.
Builds a JNLP for the meeting.
# ...
use Elive;
use Elive::Entity::Role;
use Elive::Entity::Meeting;
use CGI;
my $cgi = CGI->new;
# authentication, calls to Elive->connect, etc goes here...
my $meeting_id = $cgi->param('meeting_id');
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->retrieve($meeting_id);
my $login_name = $cgi->param('user');
my $jnlp = $meeting->buildJNLP(
userName => $login_name,
sessionRole => ${Elive::Entity::Role::PARTICIPANT},
# join this user to the meeting
print $cgi->header(-type => 'application/x-java-jnlp-file',
-attachment => 'my-meeting.jnlp');
print $jnlp;
Alternatively, you can pass a user object or user-id via userId
my $user = Elive::Entity::User->get_by_loginName($login_name);
my $jnlp = $meeting->buildJNLP(userId => $user);
Or you can just conjure up a display name and role. The user does not have to exist as in the ELM database, or in the meeting's participant list:
my $jnlp = $meeting->buildJNLP(
displayName => 'Joe Bloggs',
sessionRole => ${Elive::Entity::Role::PARTICIPANT}
Guests will by default be given a sessionRole
of participant (3).
JNLP is the 'Java Network Launch Protocol', also commonly known as Java WebStart. To launch the meeting you can, for example, render this as a web page, or send email attachments with mime type application/x-java-jnlp-file
Under Windows, and other desktops, files are usually saved with extension .jnlp
See also
Utility method to return various website links for the meeting. This is available as both class level and object level methods.
# Class level access.
my $url = Elive::Entity::Meeting->web_url(
meeting_id => $meeting_id,
action => 'join', # join|edit|...
connection => $my_connection); # optional
# Object level.
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->retrieve($meeting_id);
my $url = meeting->web_url(action => 'join');
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->retrieve($meeting_id);
my $meeting_parameters = $meeting->parameters;
Utility method to return the meeting parameters associated with a meeting. See also Elive::Entity::MeetingParameters.
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->retrieve($meeting_id);
my $server_parameters = $meeting->server_parameters;
Utility method to return the server parameters associated with a meeting. See also Elive::Entity::ServerParameters.
my $meeting = Elive::Entity::Meeting->retrieve($meeting_id);
my $participant_list = $meeting->participant_list;
my $participants = $participant_list->participants;
Utility method to return the participant_list associated with a meeting. See also Elive::Entity::ParticipantList.
my $preloads = $meeting_obj->list_preloads;
Lists all preloads associated with the meeting. See also Elive::Entity::Preload.
my $recordings = $meeting_obj->list_recordings;
Lists all recordings associated with the meeting. See also Elive::Entity::Recording.