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Egg::Model::Session::Plugin::Ticket - Plugin for session to handle ticket temporarily.


  package MyApp::Model::Sesion::MySession;

  my $session= $e->model('session_label_name');
  # The ticket is temporarily issued.
  my $ticket= $session->ticket(1);
  # The ticket name is specified.
  my $ticket= $session->ticket( myticket => 1 );
  # The ticket received from the form is checked.
  my $result= $session->ticket_check;
  if ($result > 0) {
     ...... The ticket is corresponding.
  } else {
     my $error= $result== -3 ? 'The ticket cannot be received or it makes an error the format.'
                $result== -2 ? 'The ticket is not set. # 1'
                $result== -1 ? 'The ticket is not set. # 2'
                               'The ticket is not corresponding.';
     return $e->error($error);
  # The format of the ticket is checked.
  if ($session->valid_ticket($ticket_value)) {
     ...... Correct ticket.
  } else {
     ...... The problem is in the format of the ticket.
  # The ticket is temporarily deleted.
  # It deletes it specifying the ticket name.
  $session->ticket( myticket => 0);
  # All tickets are annulled.
  # The ticket that passes 30 minutes or more is annulled.
  $session->ticket_purge( 30 * 60 );


It is a plugin for the session to handle the ticket temporarily to use it from the input form etc.

The use of temporarily confirming the agreement of the ticket sent together when the ticket is temporarily issued when the input form is displayed, and it is transmitted from the form is assumed.

  1... The ticket is temporarily issued, and the ticket ID is buried under the input form etc.
  2... When the client transmits the input form, the ticket is temporarily sent to the application.
  3... When the ticket is not temporarily corresponding it, the application plays it.

To use it, 'Plugin::Ticket' is added to 'startup'.

Then, the method of this plugin is added to the session object.

The character length of ticket ID is temporarily decided to 'ticket_length' by the configuration.

  __PACKAGE__->config (
    ticket_length => 32,

Digest::SHA1 is used for ticket ID generation.


ticket ([ID_KEY], [FLAG_BOOL])

The ticket is issued temporarily new and invalidated.

ID_KEY is a name of the issued key that temporarily preserves the ticket in the session. 'default' is used at the unspecification.

FLAG_BOOL is temporarily issues the ticket or an existing flag whether to invalidate the ticket temporarily.

  # Receipt of session object.
  my $session= $e->model('session_name');
  # Temporary issue of ticket.
  my $ticket_id = $session->ticket( ticket_name => 1 );
  # The ticket is temporarily invalid.
  $session->ticket( ticket_name => 0 );

When ID_KEY is omitted, request URI is used as a key.

  # Temporary issue of ticket.
  my $ticket_id = $session->ticket(1);
  # The ticket is temporarily invalid.

ticket_check ([ID_KEY], [TICKET_ID])

It confirms whether the ticket is temporarily corresponding to the existing one and the result is returned.

ID_KEY is a name of the issued key that temporarily preserves the ticket in the session. 'default' is used at the unspecification.

TICKET_ID is already issued temporarily ID of the ticket. When TICKET_ID is unspecification, the exception is generated.

The result returns by the following numerical values.

  -3 = The ticket for the confirmation cannot be received or it is in the format the problem.
  -2 = When the data confidence to become the origin of the ticket preservation is not found temporary.
  -1 = When data concerning ID_KEY is not preserved.
   0 = When not agreeing.
   1 = When agreeing.

  if ( 0 < $session->ticket_check( ticket_name => $e->request->param('ticket_name') ) ) {
     ... The ticket is a code when agreeing.
  } else {
     ... The ticket is a code when not agreeing.

When ID_KEY is omitted, request URI is used as a key.

  if ( 0 < $session->ticket_check($e->request->param('ticket_name')) {
     ... The ticket is a code when agreeing.
  } else {
     ... The ticket is a code when not agreeing.

ticket_remove ([ID_KEY])

The ticket is temporarily deleted specification.

0 returns when the ticket to be deleted is not registered.


When ID_KEY is omitted, request URI is used as a key.


One similar movement is done to pass 0 to the flag of 'ticket' method, and after it deletes it, here sets 'is_update'. Therefore, please use here when you want surely to delete it.

ticket_clear ([ID_KEY])

All registered tickets are annulled. And, the annulled number of tickets is returned.

  my $count= $session->ticket_clear;

ticket_purge ([TIME_VALUE])

TIME_VALUE is deleted and passage annuls all tickets temporarily. And, the annulled number of tickets is returned.

  # All the passage of ten minutes is deleted.
  $session->ticket_purge( 10* 60 );
  # All the passage of 1 hour is deleted.
  $session->ticket_purge( 1* 60* 60 );
  # All the passage of a 1 day is deleted.
  $session->ticket_purge( 1* 24* 60* 60 );

valid_ticket ([TICKET_ID])

The format of TICKET_ID is checked and the result is returned.


Egg::Release, Egg::Model::Session::Manager::TieHash, Digest::SHA1,


Masatoshi Mizuno <>


Copyright (C) 2008 Bee Flag, Corp. <>, All Rights Reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.