ETLp::Loader::OracleSQLLoader - Load data using SQL*Loader
This module will load data using Oracle's SQL*Loader utility. It is designed to be used when:
* The backend database is Oracle
* The functionality is not provided by ETLp::Loader::CSV
* Speed is of the essence, and features such as direct path or
parallel loading are required.
For Example
use ETLp::Loader::OracleSQLLoader;
my $sqlldr = ETLp::Loader::OracleSQLLoader->new(
userid => 'scott/tiger',
table => 'scores',
filename => "$data_directory/$filename",
specification => $specification,
mode => 'truncate',
controlfile => "$outfile_directory/$filename.ctl",
logfile => "$outfile_directory/$filename.log",
discardfile => "$outfile_directory/$filename.dsc",
badfile => "$outfile_directory/$filename.bad",
my $recode = $sqlldr->load;
if ($retcode) {
print $sqlldr->error;
Creates a new ETLp::Loader::OracleSQLLoader object. Accespts the following attributes:
* userid. Required. The username and password of the user connecting
to the database, in the form:
o <user>/<password> or
o <user>/<password>@<tns alias>
* controlfile. Required. The name of the control file. The content
will be generated by this module.
* table. Required. The name of the table that the data will be loaded
* filename. Required. The file to be loaded.
* mode. Optional. The type of load - append, truncate, insert or
replace. Defaults to append
* specification. Required. The specification of the incoming file and
the processing. E.g.
fields terminated by ","
(id, name, score, file_id constant 4)
* logfile. Optional. The name of the log file
* badfile. Optional. The name of the bad file.
* discardfile . Optional. The name of the discardfile.
* keep_controlfile. Optional. Whether to keep the control file
following processing. Defaults to no (0).
* keep_logfile. Optional. Whether to keep the log file
following processing. Defaults to yes (1).
* keep_badfile. Optional. Whether to keep the bad file
following processing. Defaults to yes (1).
* keep_discardfile. Optional. Whether to keep the discard file
following processing. Defaults to yes (1).
* localize. Optional. Whether to localize (fix for current OS), the
data file's end-of-line delimiters. Defaults to no (0).
* parameters. Optional. A hashref of SQL*Loader command-line
parameters (excluding control, log, bad and discard)
Invoke the SQL*Loader run. Will return a code, that is an integer between 0 and 3:
* 0 - successful
* 1 - failed
* 2 - warn
* 3 - fatal
* All rows loader successfully - 0
* All/some rows discarded - 2
* All/some row rejected - 2
* Discontinued load - 2
* Command line/syntax errors - 1
* Errors Fatal to Sql*Loader - 1
* OS related errors - 3
Return the constructed SQL*Loader command - the sqlldr invocation and the user authentication information if not included
Return the content of the controlfile
Return any error generated following the SQL*Loader run
Return the output from a SQL*Loader run
Copyright 2010 Redbone Systems Ltd
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
The terms are in the LICENSE file that accompanies this application