Document::PageIterator - Page Iterator Class.


use Document::PageIterator;
$bool   = $pg->setpageid        ($pageid);
$pageid = $pg->nextid;
$bool   = $pg->setfirstpage     ($n);

$bool   = $pg->advancepage      ($inc);
$bool   = $pg->advancesubpage   ($inc);
$bool   = $pg->SetPagenumber    ($n);
$bool   = $pg->SetSubpagenumber ($n);
$bool   = $pg->SetAlphapage     ($c);




This subclass of Document::Page adds the ability to increment any of the pageid formats. Only the last element of a pageid is incremented. Increments may continue until an invalid character (anything past "z") for an alphapage or a number exceeding the available field size is produced.


$pg = Document::PageIterator->new ("001") || die ("Invalid page id");
$pg->setpageid ("001.01a")                || die ("Invalid page id");
$pg->setfirstpage (1)                     || die ("Invalid 1st page num");
$pageid = $pg->nextid;
defined $pageid                           || die ("Page id overflow");

Class Variables


Instance Variables

 firstpage	The first page number in the document. This
		is used when resetting. Usually this is 1 
		or 0 for the cover page of most publications;
		But it could be any number for publications
		that use page numbering based on volumes rather
		than issues.

Class Methods


Instance Methods

$bool = $pg->advancepage ($inc);

If a page number exists in the current pageid, increment it by the specified $inc value. If $inc is not numeric or the result would exceed the field size of the subpage, it returns false.

This is not a commonly used operator.

$bool = $pg->advancesubpage ($inc);

If a subpage number exists in the current pageid, increment it by the specified $inc value. If $inc is not numeric or the result would exceed the field size of the subpage, it returns false.

This is not a commonly used operator.

$pageid = $pg->nextid

Increment the pageid. Returns undef if this would cause an overflow. Overflows can occur if any field size would be exceeded or an illegal value generated. For example, increments of the following would fail:

$bool = $pg->SetAlphapage ($c);

If a page alpha character exists in the current pageid, set it to the specified alphabetic character. If $c is not a single alphabetic character, it returns false.

This is not a commonly used operator.

$bool= $pg->setfirstpage ($n);

Set the first page number in the document. This is used when resetting. Usually it is 1 or 0 for the cover page of most publications; but it could be any number for publications which use page numbering based on volumes rather than issues.

$bool= $pg->setpageid ($pageid)

Set the page id string and fully reinitialize the object for the implied field sizes of that id. Returns undef if the pageid is invalid.

For example, "009.10a" would set the pagenumber to 9, with a field size of 3; the subpage number to 10 with a field size of 2; and the page alpha to "a". Since increments only happen at the end, this page id would be incrementable from "009.10a" to "009.10z" before an overflow would occur.

Typically such complex page numbers are only used for inserts and such; more typical is a plain "009" which would be incrementable to "999" before overflow occurred.

$bool = $pg->SetPagenumber ($n);

If a page number exists in the current pageid, set it to the specified number $n. If $n is not numeric or is too large for the page number field, it returns false.

This is not a commonly used operator.

$bool = $pg->SetSubpagenumber ($n);

If a subpage number exists in the current pageid, set it to the specified number $n. If $n is not numeric or is too large for the subpage number field, it returns false.

This is not a commonly used operator.

Private Class Method


Private Instance Methods


Errors and Warnings







Dale Amon <>

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 350:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4